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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff honestly i have no clue. They are out there, kind of like the Mantle rookie cards just waiting for them to appear. There are a few that keep popping up now and then, but mostly seem like its the same cars recycled. When I painted most of Lee's cars where repainted white..I caught a few cars that never made the transition to the white elephant but sadly none of Lee's cars.
  2. i like this one, i would like to see some of woems stuff on a wall other than that tunnel.. the kids got some flava... bump for celm too, progression is what I am seeing
  3. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff are you saying aussie trains or aussie writers?? my bad if they are aussie trains, look like the silvers in ny.. apologies if I was too tired to notice lol...
  4. "cheap rent and easy hustlability" thats gonna be the title to my next CD with the ghost of biggie and the ghost of tupac and willie nelson LOL...
  5. ..and not sure what is up with all the Mass peeps heading down here..I mean it used to be us New Yorkers and the Southern folk got in an uproar...whats next peeps from Detroit looking to start anew ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: anyway robot pm me with any ?'s
  6. that syke throwie style is dope.. iomi has that origami look bump.. as far as hometowns to write in, take your pick..it is really up to you..nothing like boston tho...fo' sho....
  7. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff thats all for now..
  8. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff one of my faves from the boggie down rolieo ... i believe this was a "rolieo" "dien" car
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