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Posts posted by Mc-Ignite

  1. See ur hittin a school buss why not go for a public buss in australia u can hit a buss that will run across one rout n u can watch it go pass ur school ova n ova agian n past main roads many people would c it in australia but unndo about american busses..

  2. jeez melborune graff is huge these days no matter were u go u always see the familer guyz n heaps new people breaining fresh style love the graff scene in melborune at the moment... but hate the new look trains you gotta agree everyone in melborune graff scene loves what there doing n have alot of respect

  3. Australia was made by immargrints so i dunno what that guy is on about Australia is multicrultral and theres a add asking more countries to join australia around the world, keep the people comming its what makes australia if anything is bad in australia its them dang tourist asians dats it and the whole wogs vs aussie issue...

  4. Re: Ever Been Chased?!?


    Yup Got one

    Me and my mate were bored one long weekend n i organised a paint in my area never been hit hard to get around and stuff night started horrible trying to get outta my house was trying to get outta prison had to jump a barbwire fence into a golf course thought (bit of practise for yards probs) anyways jumped another fence and threw a house walked threw a park done some thorwies walked up bombed a bus station shell walked threw this lil alleyway(which was stupid on my behalf thought to my self lets do this gargae wall) my freind only did throwies n i did a colored throwie slash piece just finish my freind scream out SHIT! and i didnt kno what was happeing saw the guy picked my shit up and started bolting down my freinds(which didnt kno the area was like running no were) anyways im running behind guy close behind so i decied to throw my can behind me slowed him down a bit ditched my bagwith crappy cloths n the the used cans started bolting faster my freind who went around the long way was now about 2 meters away from the guy(who had a baseballbat) anyway ran acroos the road i slowed down cuz i was so far ahaed saw my freind behind me cut into a house and i jumped a fence the guy(who was very stupid screaming i kno you did this while he chased us) stoped at the house we cutt n and yelled so if this your cru is it?? anyway i was in this lil shed slash thingy which i nearly broke my back gettin into it abou 15 mins later i hear my freind calling me so we jump all dese fences den the gruling task jumping da barbwire fence good night though adreline rushing threw me stupid guy though...

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