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Everything posted by THE_ARTIFACTS

  1. Yeah man white cars have always had a special place in my heart lol :cool: the illest shot was with the 50mm @f2
  2. I was out there back in Feb. for my bday with a few homies..definitely going back real soon.
  3. Thanx man i really appreciate it. I'll try and keep the photos coming :cool: Thanx man.
  4. Yeah like i mentioned, its been a long ongoing process to get the look of my photos to this point, i think maybe in the future i'll do a write up on the whole technique. :cool:
  5. What specifically are u refering to? The colors are done in CS4...its a technique that i've worked on over the last few years..its a mix of cross filtering, film like tones...but starting off with a well composted/lighted photos makes a huge difference.
  6. messing around in CS4..gave it a tilt shift edit.
  7. Where are u at? im always traveling.:cool:
  8. Keep it coming guys :cool: Got back from NYC a few days ago...came back with a few keepers.
  9. Sony a850+50 f1.4 Sony A850+16mm fisheye
  10. Coming from owning the a700 for 2 years, the a850 is everything i wanted in a great full frame camera...with the right lens combination, this camera is pretty amazing man. i love it.
  11. Been shooting mad cars lately..finally got a few portraits in earlier today.. Sony A850+CZ85 @ f1.4 Sony A850+50 @ f2
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