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Everything posted by SlutHumper

  1. and i live in nebraska you should come find me. ill be the tall skinny kid with a hat on!!!!
  2. i should have gone with you guys :(
  3. SlutHumper


    tasty home baer
  4. you guys are homos... talk on the phone ha!
  5. opt x3 kesar x2 please aysek sleep more vital size21 deso ham nas
  6. Re: .................................................. .............................. "yo dude im hding behind some cars, come get me now..."
  7. i have them but im not posting anything in this thread, and i ask the mods delete the shit out of this thing for me
  8. id do all them chicks. no joke
  9. nothing secret about that spot! good ass post,a lil bias thou
  10. you have no idea what your talking about
  11. mc hammer and nas dnb railheads etc
  12. the UP house looks like a jail cell... sleep more etcs
  13. oh god.. i knew it was only a matter of time...
  14. Re: LORD SHABAZZ & MR MAJIC PRESENT 'THE SUPERFRIENDS LEGENDARY SUPERPOWERS SHOW' 800 dego your a fucking homo. its 2007 nobody give a fuck about some skinny black kids in tight pants break dancing. come back to tx so i can punch your face
  15. this should be closed...
  16. my homie lives across the street from this place. best part of this spot is the SOLID ONE TFP tags on the bridge beams
  17. solid colds still rolling???? Rime Ruets Hour Nice combo
  18. you should have went over that one...
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