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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. ghey vice riku that ghayest is on point.
  2. nice work on the Vitamin Water biz detroitred. Denzo.TAC.KD.ORX.TNB.... and Mines FST....gettin it done!
  3. thats clownin what you said. not only could i burn you and everyone you know, ive painted more panels in indy in one year than you will ever paint in your entire time painting. as far as paying for paint goes... you dont know me, and you couldnt fathom being able to get paint like i can. ive body racked over a hundred cans in less than 6 hours, all in indy, in one afternoon. no cart tricks, no shady backpacks or bags, no running, no worrying. places ive been racking from since you were 8 or 9 years old. i got nothing to prove, and for your information boxcars ARE canvas. your TOY ass fucks it up.
  4. the point of graffiti is not to get up on anything and everything in sight. if you actually did dope productions or ill end to ends on boxcars you'd realize why the boxcars need to stay clean. a person could paint a primo quality burner but some stupid toy tagged the top of the ladder and it ruins the flick. a beautiful clean boxcar with a quality production rocked on it and one toy tag sticking out of the top behind the background. its like a beautiful woman with mohawk. its ugly. on a side note. that piece isnt too bad Cros1. the forcefield color clashes with the fill colors tho. orange or bright lime green wouldve worked much better.
  5. peace omen. saw you guys production still riding over at Crawford Steel over the weekend. just thought you'd wanna know. ill come with the rest of NL/FX crew production when i get a chance.
  6. the cops monitor these threads. dont bother asking for personal info. blind, stop marker tagging the nice boxcars at certain spots around town. it ruins the look of a nice clean boxcar to have a random tag on it. plus the marker shows up underneath the paint of a piece on top of the tag even with multiple coats of paint. so your quick tag can ruin a nice clean piece. its far easier to cover a meanstreak (not that anyone should) than a marker tag.
  7. ive probably posted this before but im at work and bored so...
  9. sacred and cents rockin the FAB production. for a short time some very uninformed new kids tried to start a crew called ABC in indy. there is already a well established crew called ABC from chicago. the real abc (Artistic Bombing Crew) was started in 1982 i believe.
  10. the black tags are bier, being wack and wishing he could jock mfk a little more.
  11. DREW7 SHORE MORA FIND ENTRO VELCRO PASER that ink sons e2e. thanks for tha bench blind. just watch what you cover or your shit will get dissed.
  12. yuck! that shit was terrible.
  13. ...going south on penn... that is.
  14. word up yall.. sorry for the short post. keep its grimey!
  15. i may have already posted some of this.. if so.. i really dont give a fuck.
  16. Desko.. that spot is downtown off mccarty. but its long been buffed. Urkidsister.. nice flicks of some older stuff. DEMO.
  17. haha! now exile is biting gamble?! when will it ever stop?
  18. damn hotoneten.. please dont post any more flicks of bloomington shit. 90% of what you just posted was fucking wack. going to have to get a bunch more flicks so that garbage you posted will be a few pages back.
  19. dope. moms favorite killers and infamous with stlye def putting in work.
  20. 100%juice


    ive seen your flicks car2n, your shit is wack and you dont have ANY panels running. take a step back and reflect on the fact that you've been painting for a whole 6 months. your contribution is minimal at best, keep your thoughts to yourself.
  21. lots of real dope pieces and fresh styles.
  22. damn omen dude. you are always comin with the fresh latinas, if these are your hoes man you gotta hook a brotha up man fa sho!
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