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Posts posted by *PROTOCOL*

  1. everybody has them shits. so share them. about any and everything. dont be shy.


    i'll go first:


    -aliens dropped humans off on earth.


    -greed will cause the US government to self-destruct and we'll all be speaking chinese around this bitch in the next 5 or so years.


    -al queda(or however you spell that shit) didnt have shit to do with 9/11.


    -college is the biggest scam of all time.


    -every soul gets 2 lives. and if you were born into a really shitty one your next one will be tight. and visa versa. because i dont understand how a baby or little kid can be robbed of life and the universe doesnt react and reward that soul.


    -there is a known cure for every disease but they will never be available because of population control.




    i will have more once i get blazzed.



    These aren't your theories, these are just your run of the mill tin foil hat theories.

  2. I hate when I'm trying to get on the bus and people pay with pennies. My friend worked as a gas station clerk, he wouldn't let people take the pennies from the "take a penny, leave a penny" tray. I watched him straight up tell people "those are mine." He saved them up for a while. Fucking a girl on her period smells like alot of pennies together. Thats about all I know about pennies.

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  3. They were developing a bike path along me and my friends favorite place to hang out, a creek that ran through the neighborhood. It was basically a wildlife refuge that only kids and bums went down into. We got drunk and started up all the tractors, then drove the bobcat into the creek and drove down it untill it got stuck. We then proceeded to break out all the windows on the tractors, shit on the seats and do rap letters all over them. Good times.

  4. I think the caffeine makes a huge difference. I turned into a giant blacked out dickhead on that stuff, I'm pretty sure it was the caffeine. My theory is, I'd get so drunk to the point where I would normally pass out or go home or whatever, but the caffeine kept me going on autopilot like a zombie. I got into fist fights with good friends, said the meanest shit to my girlfriend and generally pissed people off on that shit. Devil water. But it was fun as hell to get wasted on.

  5. Yea. I mostly use it to organize the arrangements and use ableton to create the synths. I downloaded that midi machine You posted and it was pretty cool. For some reason it runs slow on my comp and it shouldnt.


    Type in just about any song title as long as its not super obscure into google with a .mid after it and wa lah.

  6. "Hey all of 12oz prophet staff, TPWF, stickers are gay, lets see some paint. Not that montana gold bullshit either, kilz blaster caps on cop cars while pissing your name on a wall in krink or your street cred is zero". L O L Z.



    On a sidenote, thank you for giving us a place to be dipshits.

  7. If your system was completely clean and that was all you had, plus considering you sound thin, only a few days. THC can stay in your body for up to a montjh or so, but that takes time to store up that much. Starve yourself for a couple days and do some cardio, that way youll burn into fat reserves, but again, i wouldnt really sweat it. I'm a little overweight and would be able to pass a UA after 3-4 days after smoking one joint, considering I was completely clean before that. Just stop smoking it if you are worried about it.

  8. I am looking for one answer and one answer only;































































































































































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  9. Once the information gathering and surveillance systems are wide spread and commonplace, its only a matter of centralization and integration before we are fucked, ensnared. Look at chicagos giant camera system. It incorporates city as well as private cameras that were in place before the program was implemented into a centralized system, monitored in real time. that was 4-5 years ago. I can only imagine whats in store for the future.

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