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hijo de la gran puta

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Everything posted by hijo de la gran puta

  1. yo if anyone wants a number to prank here goes one....this fuckin dude is DOUCHE BAG....i had to leave my employer of 5yrs cause they put this DOUCHE in charge after transfering my previous boss to a new spot....either way since he had made time there difficult while i was there, i just wanted to return the favor..... some insight to him: his name is SHELDON JOINER he is pretty boy rich black kid from NOLA who thinks he hard i named him 1up cause he has one for everything you say is about to get married to some ugly bitch and in all just one of those muthafuckers you wanna rock their snot box... so if you fellow writers is bored and just wanna fuck around here goes his digis btw you might wanna *69 that shit cause he works for tmobile and can look into accounts 504-975-0295 have fun and hopefully i can hear back from some of you who call.... and trust me this is not the only place im puttin this fool on blast.....
  2. call me an asshole like most do but.....thats that lil girls problem....if she that stupid to kill herself over some bogus friend then she deserved it.....shit is bad but god damn it aint that bad......what it is in todays world is that these youngsters are babied too much.....what ever happened to tuff love.......i got a seed on its way and i will for sure not raise him lke most of these new parents do......he/she will work for theirs and learn to respect....and pay for their own fuck ups........no hand outs here my 2 cents
  3. doesnt seem like one of the better turnouts
  4. rip beehive........just got word here in the south cool kat!
  5. http://www.10news.com/news/9858635/detail.html# im sure yall know about this but...thought id post it anyway........
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