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coffie crave 7

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Everything posted by coffie crave 7

  1. :lol: who the fuck is nake9? a ges tag cant go pic to pic with your whole career
  2. http://www.tinychat.com/undefined get in
  3. i called him a little nigger and he band me :lol:
  4. take/stoe gone over by pook...task syko stoe gone over pook and they from outa town bring it to pook :lol:
  5. im still wait for rock to do the ''smoke rocks'' peice.
  6. its funny cus you came outa no where when thos 2 dudes where talking gibberish. seems like everyone lost one or a few love ones this year. im ready for 2010
  7. sorry that medafor is over my head WTF is a British soldier:lol:
  8. i swear everyday it seems ct produces 5 new ''graffiti writerz''
  9. /\ i wish you could punch people through the computer
  10. 150 why dont you state your name and stop coming on ''herez'' and talking smack over the internet. hartford is a candy-land compared to other citys who you trying to fool? your NEVER king...with graffiti your just always ''a head'' of everyone, soon as you put down the paint for awhile. and stuff gets buffed new ppl get up your just slowly getting pushed in back of the line. only king i know of is IDEO dude did his own thing, didnt fuck with anyone and has been past away for sometime now and still run into his stuff everywhere to little tags on random poles to throws. thats a king a dude thats not even around that pops up more than people today.
  11. that buda came out good and reo with the thanksgiving wall wow
  12. haha ! mom look...this is what it looks like...can you guys get it for me? i am starting college soon ! ugh let me talk to your father
  13. i had 2 albums full of flicks from that spot over the years, but when ruff times called i ened up selling them on ebay for 400- maby somone on here bought them ? i dont know but id deff regreat it now
  14. you know what im talking about i dont need to blow up spots over the internet...(i dont know for sure if that had any reason for the spot being where it is today, but im sure it helped) i have been living here for about a year and i HATE CT ill be leaving soon i use to drive an hour and some change just to take flicks in thos tunnels id go through 2 things of film before i got to the end. sad i go there now and its straight hot cops roll in there every once in a while nothing runs, its dead and real sad cus it was a legit spot i think the best spot ct has and the railroad ppl where always friendly as fuck, maby because they like to look at the art along the way? idk but with all the tagging facing the highway and the public going down there, i dont even bother anymore i think my piece ran for 3 days before scribbled out by randomness
  15. yeh but there's no reason to go over everyones stuff i dont care if your 2 feet tall or 10
  16. pook is back out going over EVERYTHING r.i.p the tunnels between all the toys , pook and the media (thanks slice) that spot is K.O
  17. R.I.P IDEO this dude has more stuff STILL running than dudes today.
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