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Posts posted by MitchThe$nitch

  1. thanks for the advice, i do need to upgrade my shoes for sure. i've never done tiablis excercises, but i'm looking them up now.


    as for enjoying running, not totally. i do it to burn some fat fast, excercise my dogs, and releave some stress..


    i'm good for 2-3 miles outside at a good pace or at about "7" for 2-3 miles on a treadmill.

  2. WELL seeing my Bears lose was not fun but at least we made it a decent game in the second half. I have no clue why we even put Collins in. That dude is a waste of space on the bench.


    There is no way in hell i am going for the Packers so let's go STEELERS!!!!!!





    and i'm not mad at cutler, the coaches and doctors pulled him. end of story. he sucked in the first half anyway.

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