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Everything posted by SCREENNAME

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Yeah, yeah... compared to this though???
  2. ^Or should I say "AVISO'S" STYLE!!!:biglaugh:
  3. Nigga please. I tried to help you make your shit more legible USEING YOUR STYLE. It was fucked to begin with because your whole style is fucked. I can write your name better than you off the top of my head, you practice that shit every day. And I'm a "retarded toy", what's your excuse?
  4. ...And this slop is??? :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Way to go though... coming on here with a different screen name and all just to try and defend yourself.:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  5. Yeah I guess. Sorry that's all I could do with your bullshit throwie. I tried to do you a favor and help you out. I tried, but it was fucked to begin with. At least I made that shit legible. Try learning how to form your letters. Your "L" looks more like a hand putting up the middle finger or a retarded W. And I don't know what the fucks going on with your "O". Looks more like a retarded X or K. But I'm the retarded toy I guess.:haha:
  6. I know enough about graffiti to know that you don't do half your name in old english and the other half straightletter you fucking idiot. And this makes me sound like a cop? You kids crack me up.
  7. Hey jackass, I did it with a pen and it didn't show up when I flicked it so I went over it again with a sharpie. Moron.:haha:
  8. Yeah that must be it. That explains everything. But even though I'm an idiot I still figured out how your boy can improve his letters and be ledgible, and still keep his same style he was going for. Only took me about 4 tries, I'm sure he can improve on it with practice... Tell him he's welcome.
  9. How the hell you get an L or an O out of this?
  10. Oh trust me I do. That's my point.
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I still don't see it. If that's what it's suppose to say then someone needs to take this nigga under their wing and teach them how to write in English.
  12. And what the hell is this suppose to say anyway?
  13. I wonder why the first half of this is old English and the other half isnt.
  14. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- Someone post flicks of my nigga Myne GPK!!! Where's he at???
  15. Re: Shot it in her Bot Thread She's cheating on you. You should vent your week full of anger by crashing her party and smashing dudes face in. It'll feel good.
  16. If nobody tells dudes story then that leaves room for nothing but gossip and rumors for the next generation. Like homeboy up there that said he heard dude died at that goth rave or whatever. Wouldn't you want to set the record straight after hearing some bogus rumor about your homeboy? Where I come from knowing your history (and passing it down) is mandatory. Or do you guys just not give a shit about your scene enough to let the younger cats know the history in your graff scene? Fag? you know nothing about me so why are you talking shit? I'm talking straight up. I'm not talking shit. I'm not dissing your homeboy at all. I'm just saying that you guys have some realy weird suporstitions that I've personally never heard of.
  17. If I died I would hope that I left a big enough mark in my city that people would want to talk about me and tell my story. Espescially my peeps. Isn't that why we write our names everywhere anyways? To get a rep? To be remembered? To have our story told? But I guess you Seatle kids would rather people just never mention your name again huh? That's just fucking weird.
  18. What the hell are you talking about? Not suppose to talk about someone that passed? You Seatle kids are fucking weird!
  19. I swear some of you cats come across as coffeshop hipsters pretending to have streetsmarts.:haha:
  20. How am I disrespecting dude that's RIP? I'm just laughing idiots on here that somehow think that talking about how a dude died is gonna draw heat on him. HE'S DEAD HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY DRAW HEAT ON SOMEONE THATS DEAD???
  21. So are you trying to tell me that by talking about how a dude died isn't going to lead to the cops finding out who he is and extraditing him back to life?:confused:
  22. Yeah you wouldn't want to give the cops any clues as to who he was. They might beam up to the afterlife and bring him back in handcuffs.:rolleyes:
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