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Reloj Melsedge

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Everything posted by Reloj Melsedge

  1. john henry left his hammer layin side the road. from sf
  2. bump for tmr parties and get-togethers.
  3. el bumpo for my gringos up on tortilla flat. big ups danny, pilon, jesus maria, the pirate and anyone else i forgot.
  4. it sure is funny how much BON_S looks like BON_S. now THATS irony. edit: AND SPEAKING OF WHICH!!! ISHA BOI!! BIG BABY BONUS ONER FUNNER GUNNER STUNNER. frum toke yo!
  5. pretty sure bones is a bay area head.
  6. old as father time. old as degrassi jr. high.
  7. i saw a share tag in a picture in this new york graff book i got. maybe ill scan it, i thought it was pretty cool.
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco montana iz 4 toyz dawg.
  9. have you ever woke up to find your dough roller gone?
  10. what the fuck seriously my computer breaks for four days and this is what i get when i come back to 12oz? go rent Black Roses from movie madness you fags. learn about how to rock shit FOR REAL. edit: from the frissssco thread
  11. thats a cool ther. edit: and heres abide from the sf thread.
  12. bump that green hekt. and the linus next to it.
  13. i like that doyle shit. i like those fancy colored HEs too. i like TAKING PICTURES OF VAGINAS WITH MY CELL PHONE IN THE MAAAALLLLLLLLLLL.:hatred: :hatred: :hatred: its like up the skirt and then i pop a bona. bona. bona. bona. bona.
  14. not talking shit, just saying k can handle his. in case yaaallll didnt know.
  15. if people fuck with my shit, i let it slide, i dont really give a fuck, thats the game. but my advice to the jokesters out there is dont fuck with major k. he'll k you and k you over and over again. sometimes its funny when people get dissed. sometimes its so funny that people laugh themselves all the way to the hospital.:)
  16. ^words of a true bitch. gotta play them bitches homie.;)
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