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Reloj Melsedge

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Everything posted by Reloj Melsedge

  1. ^yeah. toer went over some person because he thought their characters looked too much like his old characters. done and done. new subject.
  2. ^that makes sense now that i think about it. haha thats funny, these people really have nothing better to do when they get off their minimum wage jobs. goddamn those bored 48yearolds! and while im at it, bump that gime and axel fill. shit is illy. rilly.
  3. we talk shit AND do shit AND eat hella toblerones on the weekends dawg. where the REAL flicks??? im tired of these newjack wannabe punk bitch character jokin bitchmade flicks word the fuck up to my rilla. plus thats like the most rill fo fyfe.
  4. ^i don play, playa. aint nobody smilin in this game. we scowlin. mad scowls and like angry ruffled brows. big bump those cocksuckin TMR rojham skellak mellers. 40 CCs of dope status reloj. watchwuchahurd.
  5. naw man, some motherfucker with no TMRelation took a picture of that character, put it through some ms paint shit and posted it up for god knows what reason. i cant condone that shit. king crimson, what the fucks your problem? get my family jewels out your mouth.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco yo cake can some mod clean up this thread? its a damn mess. dirty laundry everywhere.
  7. holy shit, thats EXACTLY how i feel about beef. except when it comes to people who bite my steeez, i go over those fuckers right quick.
  8. oddio pullin that quick draw mcgraw shit. bump outlaws.
  9. R.I.P my dog sammy. a good dog, ill never forget him.
  10. do you know how good a feeling it is to be walking past some shit you painted, see a car pull up, see a highschool girl get out and take a cameraphone picture of your shit? this girl said, "mom, pull over, i want to take a picture of this thing i saw." your average person's who im in this for. seeing shit like that makes my day. now heres some stolen flicks from metal hedz:
  11. word the fuck up. everyone is different, therefor there will be different types of writers but we all write and the majority of the city hates us. we should be fighting them and not ourselves. concentrate the hate in a productive direction. or just go at it with a heart full of the gospel, or some gay shit like that. :love4:
  12. ^too late to edit and add this so, without further delay, heres hore from the frisco thread.
  13. shut the fuck up. youre kickin up dust and its getting in my nose. big bump for that bond freight and a page with pictures.
  14. and there we have it, the quote of the century.
  15. didnt stop me, bitch! :umm: im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz you not. this is why, this is why, this is why im hot.
  16. ^i think so. this _oddio posted shit that doesnt really look like portland (forgive me if im wrong but i dont know shit about graffiti) and the flicks are lower quality (fewer pixels) than what hes usually got. bump the REAL oddio.
  17. yeah but look what they went over it with. id rather see that weird dog thing than some emo kid's weekend hardcore excursion. also bump OFA, server, that sherm and those fancy weed sacks. an eighth blunt? fuck you man... gimme dat ting rih na.
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco these HR kids pop up out of nowhere and start hacking san francisco veterans? fucking gay. deflate the ego.
  19. now thats a skillfully drawn penis.
  20. gufe husl and gime? thats sick. gufe got the hard freeway spots in san fran.
  21. thats what i thought, its just strange he would choose two trucks with pieces.
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ^haha what the fuck happened there?
  23. ^thats just what i was thinking. very sick spot.
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