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Everything posted by FuzZy

  1. woem sicr celm and that wall......is looking fresh I'll post some fliks later I have to update my photobucket
  2. too bad a bunch of moms,are KTC. ^^^^^exactly what I was thinking^^^^^ thats fuckin comical.... ...bet yah someone feels stupid
  3. that nakt and mines are sick whats up w/ the stencils???
  4. sicr gyser shoyu kolun moms ktc ....thats where its at
  5. NO NEWS ARTICLES ON THIS SITE PLEASE - o!psk and borealis...good way to blow your spot up.... .........IDIOTS........... and REN would say you know from REN and STIMPY
  6. true dope spot ....but that expert was the real deal to bad that shit got buffed......it rode for so damn long
  7. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    rezist pear inca .........
  8. the ltfk wall is lookin good.....
  9. nice roy piece... .....but that o is bothering me a lil ....lookin good VA
  10. w/ the bode characters....... ....looks pretty ill good job to all.....
  11. red is always turnin em out .....those color schemes and letter flowage is always on point
  12. and that roof top........
  13. this roller is hot and that wall is crushin...... but this dude looks fuckin bald..... hahahahahahahahahaaaahhaahahahahha mega des jerx rysc
  14. oooohhh yeah and if you get that movie then send it my way when your done....... ....Ive heard so many good things about it but never got my paws on it
  15. that des on the cr is fucking amazing......... and that desicr car
  16. damn drug test......fuckin killin me dope car kolen sicr sour des jerx and those characters......
  17. and yes if everybody wanted to know this is the new METAL HEADS page for NC.........
  18. chocolate chip cookies...
  19. ahhh that e2e is dope....... and that losers train gets the bump as well.... that last des car is ill......
  20. adstar sicr bump.... ...still waiting for those x's des????
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