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Everything posted by FuzZy

  1. that kolun and sicr wall is the heat.... oh and cant forget about that moms script.......
  2. if you knew some history you wouldnt be asking that question.......
  3. that billboard looked like there was a ghost under it.......wonder who it was????
  4. kick his ass seabass......... I used to know a kid that wrote raze....or was it rase???? I forgot......it was back in like 97 era
  5. Im not feeling those jerx either....... ...but the des and sicr, thats a different story motha fuckin mutley
  6. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    i like that simple pear style fresh-ass straights....
  7. that sicker...drive thrive thru nice flik ....whats up w/ all the psychiatry talk????? people have a right to there opinion and if needed the right to speek there opinion......if you disagree w/ that opinion then let it shine thats all thats happened here in this thread....we don't need the theory justified gyser des sicr killin trains constantly.......
  8. one hold day .....and no post????? bump the carolinas.....
  9. nice e2e...... caught a pretty fresh NYC READING yestarday nreksix sul4
  10. nice bilboard .....let me hit it from the back girl I won't catch a hernia......
  11. bump that woem......to bad it got dissed sicr gyser old schoolies.......
  12. internet beef = cowardness if your going to run your yap and call people names then you should have the balls to say it in person.....do you??? I didnt think so.... Im not talking shit or stirring the pot any more..... ....Im just making the obvious assumptions no beef between us.........just know your boundaries and dont let your mouth's get you in trouble
  13. bump this gangsta shit and the D5 fliks des x2 sicr x2 celm
  14. I know you and your boy arent talking shit......??? .....why are you stickin up for someone thats not even in your crew let alone that you painted w/ one fucking time and obso probably hasnt even met the kid....... I had a chance to hit that spot but didnt cause Im scared shitless of heights......I could do that edge if I wanted to like 1053 did but like I said.... "It doesnt give that spot justice" and makes it look like an eyesore.....that dose-crook was done right and thats how a spot like that should get done yall have my number if you want to further discuss......
  15. fuck that 1053 spot jockin shit............. that spot deserves so much more then that gay-rainbow colored shit.... ....why would you kill a spot like that w/ bullshit????? tell me, I would love to hear the answer... ...and dont tell me atleast I hit that spot cause dose and crook KILLED that spot.....and to top it all off you did it on the edge where barely anybody can see it the only plus about it is you actually filled this one in....... ........yeah Im hatin but I have a valid point unlike the rest of you's........
  16. big lert...... whats up w/ that blink??????
  17. deserves a repost.....
  18. is that a jawa moms??? ....that drake holly roller is dope and all those aloha's and obso's....keep em comin
  19. gyser sicr sour kolun kwel syke 101er close
  20. bump that MOMS e2e .....and that crew looks like they've been keeping the carolinas in check..........
  21. that shoyu kolun is groovy........ ...big ups that sicr tag on the pan am is real fresh....
  22. kolen nakt gyser ..........and all the rest
  23. bump those simplots....... ....what a lay-up!!!
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