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Everything posted by yum

  1. yum

    Anti-abortion law

    id actually really appreciate an answer to this angelofdeath
  2. yum

    Anti-abortion law

    my god thats so funny that you just posted a bunch of pictures of black people holding the confederate flag. wow. seriously what are those photos meant to prove?
  3. yum

    Anti-abortion law

    extremely well said 2342
  4. yum

    Anti-abortion law

    I just read in the paper that South Dakota has passed a law making it illegal for any doctor in the state to perform an abortion unless it is to save the life of the pregnant woman (even illegal to abort in cases of rape or incest). As im not all that familiar with how the American Judiciary and legislature work, does this state law override Roe vs Wade or is it just symbolic of the south dakota senate's opposition to abortion? related link http://www.courant.com/news/nationworld/hc...nes-nationworld
  5. so muslims believe that whole secodn coming with jesus thing as well? hahaha i like it calling the australian government liberal and leftist or whatever it was kabar, although the leading party of Australia at the moment is called the 'liberals' their actually policies are nothing like that most of you probably dont know but AUstralia is currently having our own little 'patriot act' to combat the apparent threat of terrorism thaty we keep hearign about. and the national government is also passign legislation that pretty much destroys the industrial relations system, so now we can all be wage slaves with no job security and a lwoer minimum wage rate, hurray
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