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Everything posted by photoflashfocusrecord

  1. i sell a few prints here and there, but nothing too crazy.
  2. the holga takes medium format film, either 120 or 220. i recommend 120, as it has a paper backing on it, which would be better to use due to the holga's notorious light leaks. you can get it at any serious photo lab, or order it from a place like B&H. be sure to tape the camera up with black tape, if you don't want any crazy light leaks going on.
  3. sounds good. it actually still has film in it, so i tried taking a couple of shots. one didn't develop at all, and the other was a solid maroonish color. i bet the film is just expired though. once i come across some spare cash, i'll get a pack of film and see what kind of results i can get.
  4. yo Rage, can you tell me anything about a Polaroid Colorpack II land camera? i copped one last night, along with a ton of other stuff from a friend. new flicks (including shots of the booty) coming soon.
  5. fucking shit. where did all of these flicks come from? good stuff dos. is that a pista concept, or just one of the older pistas? i think we're both members of another forum, if you know which one i'm talking about.
  6. alright. you know how to holla at me! are you still down for a trade? <!--QuoteBegin-jbrshmonster@Jan 15 2006, 11:34 AM BVLB.. what do i win? bingo. you get props!
  7. nah, it's a lot more obvious than that. in fact, i hadn't even noticed the Os until you said something.
  8. wow, I fucking love this one. Quoted post [/b] thanks. here are a couple more. i kind of bit the composition ideas from coffeedependency, but it was innocent. ;)
  9. it's dark up top because it's a wooded area, the concrete is stained, and i underexposed it in order to draw more attention to the other parts of the picture.
  10. here are a few new ones. i'll have more up really soon. constuctive criticism is welcomed and encouraged, as usual. rip them apart if you want. p.s. - props to whoever finds the mistake in the third picture.
  11. thanks a lot for the feedback. here are a few of the better color shots. good work from everyone, as always. i'm really feeling the shot of the hands, rage. the subtle rim light on ese's shot is fire, and that rasberry polaroid transfer is way beyond my capabilities. keep it up.
  12. finally got some film developed today. i'm going to make a black and white post tonight, and will probably make a color post tomorrow. constructive criticism is always welcome. thanks.
  13. i really wish i had a macro lens. or at least some magnifying filters or something. those shots are nice. this is blatant shameless self promotion, but i'm trying to sell some of my prints. if anyone's interested, you can PM or something. here's a link to my flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessebmoore/ hopefully i'll be able to get my backlog of film processed sometime soon. it sucks to have four or five finished rolls just laying around... anyway, keep up the good work everyone.
  14. same here. i'm not really into nikes, but i'm really into skate shoes. i just picked up a pair of these. lakai carroll 4 LTD black denim: and i've already got a pair of these in brown, but my girlfriend's getting me the hemp ones for christmas. ipath cats natural hemp:
  15. it's in NC. yeah, i don't like the little bit of sky at the top, but i'm too lazy to crop and rotate it in photoshop.
  16. nice. i'd like to see that flatland shot done with a little bit of fill flash and a higher shutter speed. i've been trying to shoot some skateboarding pictures recently, and it's probably been the hardest thing i've done so far with photography. hopefully i'll get some decent results that i can post up sooner or later.
  17. those polaroids are awesome, Ckit. i think the 1st and fourth would look really good as a diptych, and the 5th is fire. what cameras are you using? a 600 and a spectra?
  18. i've been slacking, but finally got a roll developed. gotta love high contrast black and white stuff.
  19. ha. looks like that guy was checking out the "rapery" scene...
  20. yeah. did you crop the shot like that, or is that the original composition?
  21. looks like a Sperry, i think. good work everybody. i'm slowly working on a roll right now, and will post some shots when i get it processed.
  22. here's an older one from me. i'll have some new shots to show pretty soon.
  23. feeling that portrait, Ckit. keep 'em coming.
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