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when the man comes around

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Everything posted by when the man comes around

  1. i dont wanna hear it non of your bullshit!
  2. worth it for sure. keep doin that shit man. i can tell you took time effort and care into this project. im stoked to have the first issue!
  3. sent out a check wheres my mag? you havent even cashed my check yet. dag
  4. i recently caught all the first boxcars on your post. and komy has a dope style
  5. i sent you a check a while ago you still havent cashed it, which makes me think you havent sent it, which means im waiting way to long to peep the mag. lets speed up the process homie. thanks.
  6. super good post, thanks. nakas always good and i really like that keep. oh ya cant forget the elk crew. bump!
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