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Posts posted by {OneSevenNine.com}

  1. Now we have a bunch of products (meaning us) of the early 80's and late 70's mis-informed and delusional as to what the hell is going on.


    Remember brontosaurus?

    Yeah, he didn't exist. Or so people are trying to say this now.

    Couldn't they have saved the trouble beforehand. Like when I hadn't already seen Baby?



    Here read about it.

    In anycase;



    RIP Brontosaurus




    Pluto, formal designation 134340 Pluto, is the second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-largest body observed directly orbiting the Sun. Originally classified as a planet, Pluto is now considered the largest member of a distinct population called the Kuiper belt.[9]


    Yeah that's right, there are 8 planets now in our solar system. Poor Pluto just did not cut the mustard.



    You are the weakes link.







    This is NOT Monkeys' Blood.

    This stung and it hurt especially when the applicator touched the freaking scrape it was trying to disinfect.

    Actually I believe i was told it was Monkeys Blood to make me laugh when I was injured, so I'll give that lie a little pass...


    Not all Cats are Girls and Not All Boys are... hahaha wait...

    Just kidding.


    Other smaller things that my Mexi-Mom told me were the hominy in menudo was pig teeth and the tripe was honey comb. The pig teeth I knew was a joke but come on now Mexi Mom, tripe? Ay Dios Mio!


    Okay, end rant.

  2. wait..this isnt true? my moms a liar.



    I felt my whole childhood was full of lies that adults would tell me to make me feel better.

    Wasn't there a thread about this?

    Confirm or I will make one.

    I have 4 good lies (including said ones above) that I am a little peeved about.

  3. Nothing wrong with thinking back fondly on childhood memories.


    I got one. Candy cigarettes.

    I know they tell us they promote smoking, but god damn, those were so tight when I was little. You got 2 maybe 3 good puffs of smoke out of it.


    Toy guns that looked real. It made for neighborhood games that much more believable.


    The red stuff for cuts and scraps? My grandpa would call it Monkeys' Blood. It would sting, but he would tell us it didn't.


    The other day I was over at the abuelos house and he was doing yardwork.

    I ended up getting sweet revenge by applying it to a scrap on his ankle.

    • Like 1
  4. I was a junior in high school, but also taking college courses for a jumpstart on my AA.

    I would lurk on the 12 in the college's computer room.


    It wasn't until last year that I started regularly posting.

  5. Do it!!! I'll prop and participate!


    Anyhoo, so i was walking home from dialysis party last night to go to bday celebratory festivities when i walk by this thing in Chinatown;




    Amidst the pigeons, fish sauce stank dumpsters, old graffiti and behind the Pho restaurant is this thing.

    Funny, you know what it reminds me of?

    Sword and the Stone.

    Whoever pulls it out is the true King of Chinatown. And I ain't talking about the amount of tags I have that own Chinatown, I mean real deal King Aurther of Chinatown.


    Thought it was funny.

    • Like 1
  6. Girl you know I, I, I,.........


    Birthday text!!!!


    Anyone got a baseball uniform I can borrow?!?

    Happy birthday santana black&wild


    black&wild, haha

    you would know...


    Thanks for an awesome bday! I'm trying to prop you all, but I ain't a baller so I've run out.

    Don't worry, my 12oz credit is better then my RL credit so it's all good!


    Toots, back to regular schedule when Edogg gets home?

  7. Haha, aawwweeee Pizzy, thank you!


    Thank you for my birthday thread everyone.

    I dedicate today to black jew dogs, posole, pan dulce, coffee, The Kinks and 12oz familia.


    I promise to be not an old lady and have fun tonight. I'm going to go visit the oven (mi madre) at dialysis party and then go to a show my friend from kentucky invited me to. Should be fun!


    Expect a drunk thanks post later =)

    • Like 1
  8. 2009-07-02180931-1.jpg


    This is what the Head Jew and I did after work on Friday.

    This and swimming. We then went to sushi for my birthday and then I dragged said Jew to a show.

    Jew is good, I am not, but i still like to play so whatevs.

    Ping Pong for the win.

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