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Everything posted by c4m3r0n

  1. Crits n comments please.. just a quick one-trying out my new paint pens. It's just the letter B
  2. @ rect- Try and keep ya letters to one style. Look at your R. There are no jagged edges. Now look at your CT. You see what i mean? Also, i think you gotta work on that C..it looks pretty fucked up.. If you start off with a nice curved R, then carry it on through your other letters. Keep practising mate! you'll get there! @ feazco- you got the right idea man! You just gotta neaten up your lines and keep your letters the same height. your 3D is almost there... well done. @ freakeenyc- I think you've done alright on the fill..! my favourite one is proberlly the one in the middle(red white n orange). Not sure about the top one though.keep it up man! @ burn derby- WTF!! loose every arrow on there!! you gotta get your letters down before you add ANYTHING, and your letters are not! Print some fonts of word and copy them and get the letter structures. You got thin and thick lines all over the place. post another flick, but with everyletter the same size and style.. with NO ARROWS. SIMPLE IS THE WAY FORWARD @ filoe- I dunno what to say really! i cant see a single letter in there! go simple!
  3. c4m3r0n


    @ trill- on the merk one i think the R looks alot like an A. try giving it some stronger R features.also try n keep the letters all in-line.( the M is smaller than the rest ). @ amongst/among.- that's phat mate!! looks good! If i had to say something about it, i'd say you could maybe put a flick on the bottom right hand corner of the A and make the top bit abit shorter.make it look abit more like an A. Looks fresh though!! well done man..keep it up.
  4. @ rect- the blockbuster one is good but the 3D is fucked up.keep working on it. Put a dot in pencil around the piece somewhere and then from that point, draw lines from the edges of your letters to it...that should help with your 3D. try it. @ chronic- if you want to make your tag look good, Dont add so much shit to it like dashes and arrows etc...that just makes it look messy..one or two is alryt. And work on your handstyle for months! dont stop....Get a nice flow that your comfortable with. The best thing to do..is get a lined piece of paper and write chronic over and over and over and oveer again!!!!!!!!!!!!! untill the page is full!!!!! <<<<best way! @ doks/dox- thats nice mate keep em coming!! i like the way you make the overall shape of the piece kinda symetrical!
  5. c4m3r0n


    Crits n comments please
  6. ^^^ Crits n commennnttsss plaaeezzee.... sfe BONE
  7. ^^^^^^ Some wierd pointy shit i was trying.. Crits n comm....blah blah....
  8. crits n comments....how could i make it better... ?
  9. c4m3r0n


    Will some one please do a bubbly B throw-up letter. I write Bone and i can do all the letters except for fucking B. When i do a B, it comes out fucked!!!! It's soo annoying. Cud some one help me out a bit! Safe
  10. Dunno if its just me, but i dont think sesu's a toy......
  11. What are better? PRISMAS or PANTONE TRIAS I've got some trias but they don't seem to be able to do what your guys pieces are like. You got yours blending and everything!
  12. What do you think of this..
  13. What should i get..... letraset tria markers or prisma?? What are better?
  14. I'm nothing amazing but i'm doing a Starz piece.. EVERYONE GOTTA DO ONE
  15. ^^^ All i'd say is the E is covered too much by the B and i think you've added too many things to the C. The other letters are pretty simple so keep em all like that. The colouring is a bit crazy but it's always good to try things different and experiment!! Safe man, lets see more.
  16. Coloured green...maybe not so good like this... lol oh well..
  17. Hope! I think if i made the vertical line on the E thicker then it'll be better.. What do you think?
  18. PingDat---------------DISMAL Cipreses--------------EURO Can't wait for the Music Theme Battle... Whens it due...
  19. Thats nice eich,I like the fill, but i don't really understand the E though. Just practising letter structure... Comments.....
  20. This is my bone piece i did on a door. What do you think of it?
  21. lol. He's always on weed. just leave him be.:)
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