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Everything posted by c4m3r0n

  1. Oh, and heres the Gypos.... haha :D:D:D:D:D
  2. YWS,Kapn nice jerms ther in the background!:) Closer on the Kapn Dont have a clue what this is but looks colourful... lol Hd1 Thought this wuz a nice lil throw from AEOK
  3. They priced it mate.. lol:) i only wanted like £20/£30 for it! :D:D
  4. Cos im a lazy basterd and its boxing day...I cant be arsed to get pics... But from the car i've seen somthin new on the derelict builing near pride park, the one thats got Idot and Rumba etc on... Theres sumfin there from Herd...and sum otha colorful shit thats pretty long... Theres also some gypo's near by so while ya there, throw sumthing really big and heavy through the windows of ther caravans:D cheers.. Safe, big up, homie, peace, safety, brap etc etc etc :)
  5. Lookin gd dee! Sorry i couldnt make it... bit of a hang over.. :D :scrambled: ;)
  6. ^^Whats that program ya using mate? Looks good.. ;):) Peace to ma bad manz homie bredrins etc n safe to all the clatrins etc and bludclats etc and sick guys etc.Biggin up all da sick wicked mad bomber taggerz man! haha :D
  7. Went out the other night looking for anything new...all i found.. Quite funny actually, ...i was staring at the floor:D lol Nice sketches phil..
  8. 25 posts on this new page and no graff pics!:confused: :mad: Theory, posterman, output and whoeva...why dnt u go make a derby thread in the 'Third Rail' then you can talk and piss each other off as much as you want...;) :p Come on drb.. soljah on through the frezin cold bitter weather... :cool: lol Get paintin n get pics!
  9. you dont always believe what you read in the papers do you..
  10. zom-Ye, I had to learn the hardway!!:mad: What im trying to say is..skip that mad bombing shit out.. its not worth it..keep ya heds dwn..n work on decent stuff.. :P:)
  11. so true^^ Ther's jus too many ppl out ther who are jus going through 'fazes' of wanting to be 'Mad tagger bombers' and have no intention of doing anythin decent...and its just ruining it for the rest of us... tut tut... Come on opi..we need you! TOY KILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :D
  12. Safe Derby!! Get down to Fat Jacks record store...It's on the left as you go out of that jitty thing where The Forum is, in Town...It's been painted by Sire n Crowe, oh .. and buy i record :D ;) and get some pics..
  13. ye i seen that in the paper.. over 300 tags in a 4 week spree they sed! haha it wuz korps n rims.
  14. New ape.. i think undneath was a Ewok piece. Ewok character Dunno if these have already been posted
  15. Sorry about quality...Had to zoom in. Opi still unstoppable! safe mate
  16. i knew it wudnt be long before we saw anotha one from opi! :D Opi rocking derby!
  17. Opi still killing it! This man is just unstopable!! Safe Opi!!
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