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Beer Can

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Everything posted by Beer Can

  1. yeah put some etch into an empty woodcraft marker and i hit up a bus stop about a week later it got buffed... what gives i thought it was supposed to leave a ghost
  2. well i just threw it in a Uni-paint marker it says oil based hows it gonna fuk me up? Quoted post no need to reply i have already found out for myself Quoted post what happened? if you add alcohol/paint thiner type shit... it reacts with the acids... and the fumes fuck you up... what happened with the oil based ink? Quoted post [/b] well after i mixed it nothing happened but like 30 mins later the top of the marker including the part you unscrew blew off and hit my ceiling hahahhahahahaha and the ink started to get everywhere hahahhahha fuck that shit i just use it by itself now :yuck:
  3. well i just threw it in a Uni-paint marker it says oil based hows it gonna fuk me up? Quoted post [/b] no need to reply i have already found out for myself
  4. well i just threw it in a Uni-paint marker it says oil based hows it gonna fuk me up?
  5. i just got a brand new bottle of etch bath what should i mix it with?
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