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Everything posted by k0tt0nkandyandp0psicles

  1. word, i'm not 100% positive, but i think it's some local "writer" who decided to come up with a super-original character. robots, who would've ever thought? when i saw it i thought the same thing.
  2. AHOL, that is disgusting and awesome! word on the street is Ahol sniffs glue. anyhow, lookin good Mr. Kwerty, i gave one of your buttons to my homegirl who lives in philly, and i sport another on the track jacket haha.
  3. thanks Lord B, i'll be reciprocating in the near future
  4. nah, i wouldn't call that a bite. i think those are dope. and pills said it's all good. do your thing, fivedee
  5. you can submit a hard copy to stickerguy the rule of thumb for doing that is the bigger the better. they say that will increase the clarity of the image on the sticker.
  6. nice flicks, slowpoke. do you know who does that domino? one of those turned up in my town recently. also, those anime chicks are sweet
  7. Plasma Slug, Herr Fruhstuck, Pills, Slowpoke, & The Gesus/Pills Collab sorry for the quality on some of those, I had that camera for weeks and the flash was on the entire time. it wouldn't go off, every shot i took, the flash went off. i have no idea what was up with that, but some of them look a little weird because of it.
  8. Bob & Pills Gesus & Mr. Breakfast I don't know the name of whoever is doing the following, but I understand these have been spotted all over Pennsylvania, perhaps elsewhere as well. before after Milk Toast One of the ones Mr. Breakfast sent Mr. Breakfast & Pills
  9. it just hit me why this flick is so amazing nice job
  10. umm actually there not all done by say one, the silver isay was done by me, buts its all good i dropped tha name anyways, so say have a good bday Quoted post [/b] sorry, i didn't mean to step on any toes
  11. The Fiend? i have no idea, i've dropped him two emails over the course of the years at his website and i can never reach him. his shit is massively tight, i love his characters.
  12. i'd like to wish a happy belated birthday to Say (one day late) if you ask me, it doesn't get much doper than this cat right here. http://img281.echo.cx/img281/2980/saythrow...ooseleaf1um.png[/img] here's someone i'd love to trade with in case i didn't make it clear, these stickers/sketchces were all done by SAY ONE wasn't trying to misrepresent myself. peace oh and Starz Above, i got yours today too, thank you so much. those were tight as hell. peace again
  13. i got your stuff yesterday, Mr. Breakfast, very very nice, so much too! here's some scanned stuff, better than those blurry grainy ones i usually put up.
  14. when i was in philly i saw those darth vader stickers of yours all over. i got one a while back from someone too. dope stuff.
  15. this is one of my favorite images. it's a sticker from the french magazine Graff It i think it's just dope
  16. i made these today, several were included in your package, Mr. Breakfast. it'll be in the system by tuesday because there's no mail here tomorrow for memorial day. peace!
  17. if your stickers are in any of the above flicks, props to you because they are straight fire! it would be my pleasure to trade with any of you if you are interested. also, Bez, same goes for you, dope dope shit. I'm just a pm away. peace!
  18. Pills and friends. yo Nose, i saw one of your stickers on my last trip to philly. it was a red throwie. suffice it to say i liked it very much and would be very pleased to trade with you if you'd be interested. peace! p.s., those SO SORRY stickers are the shit, i wouldn't mind trading with whoever is doing those.
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