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unseen vandal

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Everything posted by unseen vandal

  1. that marsh spray ink works damn good, It leave a purple ghost when it gets buffed
  2. its for people who cant buy caps, or dont want to.
  3. mhmmm, ok... whatever you say
  4. ya, heres a little tutorial i made OK if you cant find caps, or just lost em, heres an idea. When your in a store most aerosol can caps are female(dont work with krylon etc). Heres how you can make them work with most cans. >Materials needed< 1. Female cap 2. B.I.C pen ink tube 3. Knife(preferably a razor) 4. Lighter >Directions< 1. Take your ink tube and blow the ink out of it(dont suck) 2. Cut a small 1 inch section off 3. Light one end and then stick it into the cap(make sure its secure) 4. Cut a rectangilar shape in the end of the ink tube(like the one on male caps) 5. Test, if it works spray away, if it dosent, try to apply less pressure when inserting into cap. ***PICS BELOW*** http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/gigatech/DSC02046.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/gigatech/DSC02049.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/gigatech/DSC02050.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/gigatech/DSC02052.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/gigatech/DSC02057.jpg if you dont heat the ink tube enough it wont work, light it til its on fire and while its on fire stick it in the cap. and the last pic, the tube shouldnt look like that, it should look nice and clean, but i want done cutting If you dont understand say so and ill add more pics
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