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Posts posted by shitbull

  1. sure br0


    I'm for real.










    :huh: You know what they say about people that assume.

  2. I just quit drinking yesterday... yay. I wanna quit for a few months, maybe till winter. Can I post about that or can I only post if I'm quitting altogether?



    Note.. If using streamtorrent i reccommend using the run in Background when you right click on the stream.... then lock it... after that you can "open in new player" so if the player crashes, you can open up the a new one with out killing your transfers or the stream for everyone else




    Streamtorrent Software clicky here


    Gonna try i high bitrate for the Prelims... if not good enough will go back to the standard rate before main show... i just wanna see what happens...


    Note.. If you have a slow UPLOAD PLZ use the flash links... this is torrent based i hope you peeps have figured out that upload is good by now.



    http://www.nutjob.eu/ Flash... http://www.norwaysport.co.uk/Norgeidrett3/ Veetle

    http://magictv.co/ Flash


    http://www.cj-sports.com/ Low bitrate flash

    http://www.premier--streams.net/ Flash

    http://skycalcio.blogspot.com/p/stream-1.html Low bitrate flash

  4. dude doesn't get it. Alcoholics by nature can't do moderation. I recently posted that if i can limit myself to so and so drinks, i'll be ok, and keep it in control. It can happen, I've done it before, and there is a realistic hope in that I believe. Most times that's when I'm with friends or whatever. I just got home from bar-hopping tonight. When I'm alone, it's a different story, cause there's nothing to keep me from wanting something more. A lot has to do with trying to want to meet girls at the bar. I always want to do that, and the girls I end up meeting are terrible, and it's just depressing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


    Yeah, I can never drink by myself, hell I don't even smoke cigs by myself. Girls at bars.... man... that's a whole other animal altogether :eek:

  5. I drink almost everyday, not that it's any of your fucking business. I decided to quit for a month about 7 days ago. It's all about being mentally strong, it's all in your head.

  6. i made a fake juggalo myspace that we lost all the flicks from in "the crash"


    we need to make a new troll account.


    also there is a hells angels club house near my hood, but a lack of juggalos


    thank god.


    Grow up.

  7. You seemed excited about something that was pretty much expected by anyone who follows MMA. Oh well. As for the Fedor/Hendo fight... I initially thought Herb Dean fucked up the call. The second time seeing it you can clearly see Fedor out. Shit's crazy. Awesome call by Herb Dean, one of the best refs in the biz.

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