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Posts posted by dosa312

  1. Don't know how visible it is... sorry about the tiny pic but it's all I have on my laptop...

    ON the left page near the top in yellow and orange is a quick version of that toss but seperated letters.



  2. DOSA"


    Cap D Cap O with a bit on the top right Cap S and lower case A... I'll find a flick of the individual letter throwy I have and you'll be able to see the structure a little bit better...


    Dosa Rock

    Mr. Nae Rock

  3. Hokus for sure on the character...

    originality is so underrated anymore. Dope shit...

    Ups for all the characters tho... it was a good battle.






    BTW... would anybody be down for a full color old style battle. By old style I mean a throwback dedicated to the old letters and fills from back in the day? If so.... hit me up.

  4. Ay... here's the newest outline I did but it was originally for the battle thread... I figured I'd post it here and see what ya'll thought. A little rough cause its a new idea for me and in straight pen but... gimme some feedback so I can develop it.





  5. Also... big :king: status to stars for all the work you put in... logging the battle reults alone is nuts but then sifting through all the madness in this thread.... that ish is ill. Good looking out....





  6. Ay ya'll... here's my entry for the series battle. Sorry it's a little rough but its a new style for me that I just started messing with for this battle and its ink only... no pencil so its kinda sloppy.




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