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Everything posted by SOAKER


    Wash DC

    CAST playing the internet brothel role...Yeah maybe you guys can all get together on my space and talk shit to eachother and all put up CAST when you paint over each other...maybe I'll even pop up to get some sagely advice on how to GRAFFITI...pfffttttttt...yeah right!...DICK RIDERS!!! :haha: Fucking WAR? What did CAST Send you a IM to do that :haha: Toy SOldierZZZ!! <bgsound src="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic/50centsoldieminem.wav" LOOP="infinite" AUTOSTART="TRUE"><center><a href="http://hoodmusic.peedicrakk.net" target="_blank">

    Wash DC

    [ " Man this is what the line use to look like...I know its wack and its not them hard core throws...but cmon...Thats DBK reppin those burners... DBK and DNC had the line blazing for a while now its just shit...shit...shit...

    Wash DC

    NORE...you guys capped KSW right...Big ass COMA fill in MECA...you know the one where him and SHAKEN hit the line...What the fuck was that for? Are you trying to say MECA and SHAKEN are nobodys or KSW aint shit? Thats right I put a big ass KSW over that fill. CAVE put me up over your shit....hmmm kinda like COMA putting CAST up over BORF...why did he do that? cause CAST is too pussy to dog someones shit?..No... Thats why I capped your shit...I didnt pull anyones card...Why the fuck come to BMORE and go over peoples shit...and then CAP KSW on the line... This shit is soooooo tired yo...You guys dont want to stick to your word about not dissing shit so the shit continues...Coma can give demands if he wants but I dought anyones giving him paint for some shit he started....Yes he started that shit...I write KSW and he dogged KSW and the shit just took off from there... You know when anyone ever talked to you or SLAER it was like the beef was dead and yall didnt want shit to get capped. But COMA just is unreasonable and has a great fucking time destroying other peoples shit...

    Wash DC

    blah blah blah...Im not gonna read that shit...hes throwing your tags up on our shit thats the bottom line...yell at him about that shit...

    Wash DC

    CAST is gonna get it :biglaugh: AMEN putting in mad work... REZIST doing the damn thing and fools is jealous That roller was the illest shit on the line in years... EON get at me about some BMO walls...

    Wash DC

    you know what? yall are some fucking idiots... Im gonna bite the toung cause this shit is retarded... The boy SIME can relate...REZIST CAVE....and etc... anyone else that hasnt had theyre burners capped, you cant relate...And just for your knowlegde everyone mentioned has put in work in the streets... and if all youve ever done is some bullshit throws...hin hint... you cant relate... CAVE... :( ...dem words was harsh...dont talk to these fools... its done yo...shit is old news.. just let it die...Let them boys get their fame off here.... it don't mean shit...just let it die... but I say you should just cap any CAST shit left if hes having them boys rep him like that and throwing CAST tags over DBK...and the funny thing is he was down with the biggest legal wall herbs there was... fucking irony you know... but hey you know hes the GRAFFITI police... Some niggas got to pack heat cause they cant knuckle up in the streets... :haha:

    Wash DC

    now aint that the mutha fucking truth CAVeMANDINGO...The boys ATB be swinging on clears nuts and CAST talks shit on CLEAR but wants to be myspcae buddies with ATB...WTF? Yo yo...fo sure it aint the 90's...get a clue...yo yo where them CAST roofs at...I know theres some left... :haha:

    Wash DC

    :king: ahhh close....I fuck with them sime simple styles... you can see that german influence...you know ATB is capping shit cause they been capped to...and they bomb... its just natural...Im not beefin with em... it would be tight if shit wasnt getting capped but life aint peaches and cream. Fuck style, when your gettin capped why the fuck do tight shit... FAME is the name of the game...Shit popped off after DBK squashed they beef cause COMA capped KSW... Why? you got me...and I cant speak for anyone else... The shit is so fucking lame to bicker about that shit on here... And FUZZY not to be a dick but while you got a point about what they do as far as style, you aint writing and cant relate at all to the situation... Heads got to put in work to get a rep...and ATB puts in mad work... KAOS DBKSW <bgsound src="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic/WuTangClan.wav" LOOP="infinite" AUTOSTART="TRUE"><left><a href="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic" target="_blank">

    Wash DC

    DBK LAB?... That car came off nice...REZIST AMEN BAND...
  10. SOAKER

    Wash DC

  11. SOAKER

    Wash DC

  12. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    <bgsound src="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic/TheGame300Bars.wav" LOOP="infinite" AUTOSTART="TRUE"><center><a href="http://hoodmusic.peedicrakk.net" target="_blank">
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ENDOSE 98 ? nice pics...
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    The bottom line is most writers arent about shit and this internet aint shit so who gives a fuck really. ATB is about thier business, and their crew. Most writers aint about shit and got crews that are held together with glue. Me? I dont give a fuck if my shit gets dissed. And if ATB doesnt care then maybe that explains why they run shit in DC and everyone else is just a whining bitch. But I guess most motherfuckers didnt come up seeing shit get capped and battling so when their precious little piece gets dissed they fucking cry and shit, but dont do a fucking thing. Or you just dont give a fuck and just move on. If ATB is sweating REZIST like that then fuck it. REZIST more than likely dont give a fuck and expected that shit to happen. In retrospect, the internet is dumb and "thats all I have to say about that!"
  15. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    typeR...your still my hommie...I know you dont like me but thats ok...I fuck wit you man, and even though you kick it with some herbs...I fuck wit you man...dont take the comments to heart...Im going to anger managment and Inet addiction classes so maybe Ill chill... hey that chick aint fat shes thick...and I hate cameras they capture your soul for real...dont own one never have... :haha:
  16. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ^^^Seriously "SHUT THE FUCK UP"^^^ and yes its all good, the comment isnt directed at HOA its directed at whoever MAR is...Yo for real this internet is stupid and thats how I treat, a side track form mundane shit. if you cant see the comment is made in jest then take your sensitive ass elsewhere and mind your business... I got nothing but respect for HOA...
  17. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    fuck that and who cares....if heads are scared their shit is gonna get capped then don't paint...nothing lasts forever yo whats he gonna be like..."My graffiti is on the internet and I dont want it there cause it might get dissed and I like to stay on the down low, could you please edit that post, I would really hate for the shit to get dissed. " :haha: come the fuck on....
  18. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    REZIST...how about 2 thumbs up.... and a bag of propcorn too...
  19. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ya think so huh? skills to pay the bills? hmmmm how bout skills to pay the bus fare? :haha: no seriously though the GUNNER looks aight...But you know your right more than anything its mindlessly going over people that fucks up peoples perception, but thats what makes GRAFFITI fun....unless you like having art shows and shit and breakdancing and beat boxing and painting on plywood... :haha:
  20. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    <bgsound src="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic/theloxalchemist.wav" LOOP="infinite" AUTOSTART="TRUE"><center><a href="http://hoodmusic.peedicrakk.net" target="_blank"></center>
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