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Everything posted by SOAKER


    Wash DC

    :scrambled: that shit is Busted...hahaha...get it? BUSted...I kid I kid...thats a nice hit....gonna have the federalies lookin out on that one....:eek:

    Wash DC

    this is cool...That wetback chick got the fat ass...:scrambled: ....she be eatin too many papusas...

    Wash DC

    Anyone fo a tuna samwich? Charlie says it tastes fresh...loaded with gism...MMM MMM MMM

    Wash DC

    :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$: :$

    Wash DC

    oh neva mind...insert image...ok...not there...
  6. Damn REALZ...show some discrimination when you decide to post.... Half of the pics you posted are not that tight and while they might be burners and have style...which a large majority of graffiti is, they are not top notch....you obviously decided to go on a posting binge. This thread is short and for good reason. Those who post show taste when they post. This thread should only be top notch graf and legends, and even if it is a legendary graffiti writer doesnt mean you should post whatever they have done....plz dont eff it up more...

    Wash DC

    You got to go to: CONTROLS EDIT OPTIONS Under THREAD DISPLAY check SHOW IMAGES.... Theres some other nice options as well... Unfortunately you cant edit old posts...Sorry...

    Wash DC

    Oh actually I think beeting your face in is one the top of my list of shit to do...I got plenty of "better" shit to do but that just tops all of them...and considring it would take about 1 minute for me to seriously maim you...I figure what the hell... hahaha...Like I said your pussy.....your a naive child inside but we all know your grown...Im sure you will fall off soon given the mentality you have towards graf... You know nothing about graf excpet what youve learned from the worst writers to come out of DC... Its pointless...your pussy and so is your whole crew...you cant back shit up...Yes I would fuck you up and would meet you anywhere...but youll probably turn bitch like your idol XRAE...you fucks are really pathetic... Go make some more prank calls or some shit kid... :clown2: Oh and what was that you said COMA drives a 8 year old COROLLA...hmm intersting coming from the "I wont dry snitch" your full of shit pussy...I got the goods on you though...

    Wash DC

    seriously why dont you want to fight...Im not going to hunt your punk ass down but Im willing to fight anyone of you, but your bitch and so is NORE and COMA...you can name the time and place and I will be there...back up your beef with fists...you pussy...
  10. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    see you say all these other people is haters but the only people you respect is old writers that dont do shit anymore...SLAE your fucking an idiot and lucky theres only but a hand full of writers in DC....I think your beginning the second stage of narcissism... RIVERS...dont sweat that shit you do your thing. the only reason hes talking smack is cause your active and he wants all the attention...its fucking pathetic...SLAE that piece or whatever you want to call it some some shit...Id want someone to go over it too... You been writing for a while now and still cant figure out your tag name or how to do letters....you suck
  11. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    NORE...your graf career is over COMA your finished SLAE...your gay...
  12. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    yes yes that is the POINT shit head... ATB is too scared and physically incompetent to handle anyone in a fight... So they bitch on here and CAP people when they arent there and its returned...Listen to this fuck NORE...he thinks you got to be some broke ass motherfucker and steal paint to be down... No ones graf career is over...keep telling youreself that NORE You swing from CLEARS NUTS like a gay monkey.. But hes living it up off his peoples money... Explain that one...Or is it your just reaching for something to TRY talk shit about... You must really be embareesed by your crew to deny all the shit that has happened...That sucks...I mean you cant even admit the truth... I see you cant respond to shit Ive asked you because Ive hit a nerve and you know I speak the truth... PLEASE lets just scrap...you vs. ME...COMA vs. CAVE... ARE YOU PUSSY... Cmon man I really want to see if you can back up all this beef with some fists...please please please... Ill tie on arm behind my back for real... But it figures you wont...
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    what is I fuck children ahoy in the prison library on his break...ahahaha NORE your so dumb yo cant even post shit on here right you fucking VILLAGE IDIOT... :haha: :chicken: :clown2: NORE must be pondering his response.... :rolleyes: you can't just take one person's word on any situation... there are 2 sides to every story. statement 3 is wrong. statement 4 is wrong. So I guess 1 2 5 and 6 are right...hahaha...
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    yo I really want to BOX one of you guys seriously...kickbox, mixed martial arts or whatever...cmon it would be great and whoever gets their ass whooped has to give the other like 100 cans and that deads the beef. Cmon man lets do it... ahhh I really think your bitch though and aint about shit expect stabbing people in the back and bombin over peoples shit when they arent there....Man I heard how COMA was shook like fuck when TUNE called him up to kill that beef with DNC...Hey maybe if I go to the recording stuio down the street, rap...go buy an 8 ball and break it up...hang on the corner...I can be on ATB...oh yeah I forgot I got to cap a bunch of writers and then post that shit on the net and then talk thuggish...yeah thats cool, Im gonna do that.... Yo cave isnt that SLAE piece near the line...I been taking note of all these spots...we should just hit them all up one night...maybe take out CLEAR and CAST while were at it...since they swing from their nuts...
  15. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    oh thats right cause you got a bird chest and bench 100 pounds and cant fight for shit...My advice is to use a weapon cause you will need it
  16. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    fuck all of you hoors... The bottom line is you all have fucked up the DC graf scene.. Geeting up is dope but youve fucked up a lot of good things... Thats what the narcissitic childish COMA wants... I just cant believe he told AMEN to LEARN RESPECT... All the shit CAVE has said is the truth 1) I called you and your boy XRAE bitches to your face...XRAE was a scared bitch..oh and you all ran away from that fight...it wouldnt be the first time... 2) You all have PRANK called CAVE more than 30 times...childish 3) CAVE went to SLAES house and grapped SLAES pipe weapon from him and was ready to kick his ass. 4) You all went to his house and he was ready to fight 3 to 1 but you all turned bitch... 5) You have capped numerous people for no reason 6) COMA has recieved an inheritance and has been feeding you like a baby... what else.... NORE why did you call cave in the first place...Just to bitch...yeah...your hard...If you soo hard and COMA is such a fucking thug then why dont you fight me...or CAVE one on one...so we can see whos the real man and whos the boy... ;)
  17. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    :king: BIG UP MAR Quoted post who posted this...COMA...but YOU dont want to fuel some dumb internet beef...cause I mean this is just about some shit talking on the internet right? That shit says CONE... :haha: ...thats what a DUNCE wears on his head... I mean you know weve crossed out HUNDREDS of fills, but that shit gets old...it must be fun going over shit that can be said to be some of the HOTTEST burners or bombs ever done in the city...You guys rock... :rolleyes: Especially you SLAE...how does it feel to be like that little dog on the Kibbles and Bits commercial... <bgsound src="http://peedicrakk.net/hoodmusic/Sanford.wav" LOOP="infinite" AUTOSTART="TRUE"><center><a href="http://hoodmusic.peedicrakk.net" target="_blank">
  18. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    yeah we wouldnt want to ruin 12oz. you know Yall act like you have any sort of morals and say that people are snitching...which is total bullshit...like THAT is unethical but all the bullshit you do is hard core and moral...Get a grip dude. I seem to remember a whole lot of prank phone calls and pussy ass race cards being pulled from you guys... You know that shit popped off when you and COMA dissed those rollers...Shit you didnt even want him to do that shit. But you went along with it cause your mindless and are easily influenced by a narcissistic immature fake thug. I mean cmon prank phone calls... What are yall fools like 16 or some shit...living a fucking fantasy thining your a rapper and a street thug hustling drugs... Oh and by the way MEAR was dissed on that wall next to RYKER, who you also dissed on the wall with a mural on it next to the light rail... But I guess in your flurry of hard core bombing you didnt see it. Now it has some nice old KAEOS tags in em though... Yeah this is the dunb internet, but you all sure as hell like posting your picks and posting shit youve dissed. But you dont want to fuel a fire right? Sure Like youd say "whatever helps you sleep at night!"
  19. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    yo SLAE this shit is lame but the fucked up part about it is you and others say onething when CAVE is in your face but then turn around and contradict youreself when hes not there...CAVE is a one man army...the only reason Im on here is because this shit needs to be squashed for good. But it seems that theres too much mud flinging and ego tripping for that to happen. You might not give a fuck since your so bad to the bone but I think its in yours and everyone elses best interest for it to end. One thing I dont think people understand is that this is not the same old beef....this is some serious shit and this forum just happens to be a common ground where people can communicate...At this point it will more than likely move off this forum...
  20. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ok then its COMA...thats all Im saying...and if thats the case then why do you insist he didnt cap HOF...its possible he did not tell you...
  21. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    I give you mad props...ask anyone...and at one point when WE squashed shit I was down to paint with AHOY and bomb with COMA...but the shit went sour||||||but Im sure as hell not gonna be cool with you going over DBK...c'mon... And you did cap that Jeep Country production...clearly for no reason...Your memory of events is skewed...why the fuck cant you guys just be reasonable and stop the bullshit... You make graffiti your personal outlet for social issues... Like capping DYER...WHY? oh thats right cause he fucked COMAs ex girl...Yo that shit is fucking some young ass shit and has no place in graf...But I wouldnt expect you to really understand that or even agree with me. See I ask you to explain, which your not obligated to do, why you capped the extensive list of people, and you cant, or dont want to. But the point is you lack respect and while theres those that admire what you do...thats only becasue they havent been on the other end of the table...and seen how ridiculous shit can be... Im eager to see you guys negotiate this shit out with CAVE, but I think COMA is to stuborn to that, and the shit just drags on and while you might be getting you rocks off capping people, its really some fucked up shit to take advantage of the small scene in DC like that...Any where else...even 20 minutes to the north in BMORE that shit would not fly...so in the end you make yourself look weak... Im not saying your weak or some shit...but would you go to some hick town where theres like 5 writers and cap everyones hits and try to come off like your KING shit... OH I just read that shit you put to CAVE...damn you guys got some personal shit to work out...A lot of what CAVE writes is true and you know it and you is right too about some shit but... if you think this shit is just some funny shit and your "kicking back smoking kush" laughing then do you man...In the end its meaningless to most and I think since you take this shit soo seriously some times...you really dont think its funny...
  22. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ALBERT! yo get at me I dont have yo #....I need to talk to you....holla!
  23. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ...Didnt COMA run around during the day buffing SPOK with roll paint at one point? its just conisicdince that you capped our shit and the same day their shit was capped at JC...Or that HOF never had been dissed until you came to BMORE and started going over people? And why would COMA tell people like JASE that he thinks I dissed the HOF? Seems suspicious to me when he knows that DBK and PA had the most burners there at that point.Yo its in the past and I really dont care. You said youreself youve capped people for no reason...Seriously you know when we talked a while back you wanted to squash this shit...So what happened? COMA just wants to beef and maybe you do to...but cant you see how pointless it is? Can you even explain why you dissed SEK, SIME, EON, FIRE, TYME, KEO, TALE, AMEN, BORF, REZIST, MECA, MEAR, RYKE...and whoever else...excpet for the likely reason that you heard shit through the grapevine about shit talking?
  24. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    Oh yeah I forgot he also went to jeep country and capped my shit as well as some slick as production "randomly"...I guess they thought they were some nobodys...The definition of TOY is Trouble on Your System...Seems like we got these fools fitting this profile....think about it... theres no reasoning...the shit is fucking hilarious...you got 3 dudes that want to run DC to the point were anyone else doing damage in the 4 square miles of DC is gonna get capped...Were dealing with severe personality disorders here...ADD, process schizophrenia, what was that one....Drawing disorder, narcissism...the list goes on... Narcissistic regression and the formation of secondary narcissism: While in regression, the person displays childish, immature behaviors. He feels that he is omnipotent, and misjudges his power and that of his opposition. He underestimates challenges facing him and pretends to be "Mr. Know-All". His sensitivity to the needs and emotions of others and his ability to empathise with them deteriorate sharply. He becomes intolerably haughty and arrogant, with sadistic and paranoid tendencies. Above all, he then seeks unconditional admiration, even when others with more objective views perceive that he does not deserve it. He is preoccupied with fantastic, magical thinking and daydreams. In this mode he tends to exploit others, to envy them, and to be explosive. Sound Familiar? It should...get some professional help
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