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Everything posted by SOAKER


    Wash DC

    ok there was some writer from the early 90's with that tag but that was way before your time and he was a county head and he used 2 bs...if your that fucking old then youd be doing some thros with style and not using some dried up ass markers you stole from the teachers drawer...

    Wash DC

    ok look this is not a chat room...you aint a player and dont fucking write or bomb like that nor are you player...so theres isnt anyone hating on you...you are probably 15 and need to get the fuck out of here with the bullshit...

    Wash DC

    nah fuck mexicans and green cards

    Wash DC

    shut the fuck chubs this isnt your personal diary....them pics is some garbage...theres some quality graff being produced and put up on here by ELW and HOA and the newer street shit but you want us to look up on here about you cracking on disabled kids and your childish comments on drugs and that wack ass black book pic you posted like 4 fucking times...

    Wash DC

    theres a Baltimore AMMO...KSW

    Wash DC

    nigger and wet back porn is the best...them bitches love getting fucked...seen this wet back get skull fucked and she threw up and just kept on sucking...oh but seriously why dont you guys shut the fuck up...god damn...

    Wash DC

    yes painted flowers are wonderful...I saw those and let me tell you they are just beautiful...and the 7 eleven is just the best place to pick up a good sand nigger wife...

    Wash DC

    maaannn fuck graffiti this is a chat room...lets talk about the weather or some shit you know...

    Wash DC

    gonna go to a KLAN meeting in my white sheet...hate up on some moon crickets...yeeehaw...
  10. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    damn them walls look like they need some burners up on em hahaha cayos....hmmmmm...wtf
  11. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    damn all the hot pics or graffiti is buried in all this bullshit....fuck even its just throws or recent tags its a lot better than all of this blowing smoke....and all those recycled pics wtf? MAN THERES BEEN SOME DECENT PRODUCTIONS AND BOMBING THIS YEAR MORE THAN A LONG TIME....WE NEED A CONSOLIDATED RECAP OF ALL THE BOMBING AND BURNERS....THEM CERT BURNERS IS NICE...NEVER THOUGHT HED BE AT IT AGAIN...THESE STUPID YOUNG CATS DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFIGANCE OF IT..Them AMEN trains are sick...Everyone needs to shut the fuck up god damn....this should be neutral ground....but then again everyone wants to be a big bad ass nigger and front like theyre tough....ficking soft ass white boys wanting to be niggers.....
  12. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    god damn there has been some really good quality graf being produced recently...new shit you know....but these fucking niggers on here have to keep yapping and yapping and yapping about nothing...then you got these fucking essays and shit...them EON CERT AMEN HOA pics are fucking so sick you know....everyone including this cracker (me) need to shut the fuck up and let the pictures do the work.....
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    these letters...nice...do these jams...
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    Damn seen this FIRE ICH TYME freight out in TEXAS on some back wood state RD. the other day...shit was nice must of been from 2003 or so...Shit was wild sitting there in the middle of nowheresville......
  15. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    toy ass fucking crackers...SOON to hit the streets...take that shit to myspace.....
  16. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    how the fuck is bombing and hitting roofs and smashing making shit hot....thats graffiti dumb ass...take that 3rd grade shit somewhere like show and tell...go bomb some shit or hit a roof with them letters...
  17. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    get that black book shit out of here....damn BRICKSLAYERS...ok...MINT be killing it on ROOFS and WALLS ok not some ruffed up 1st time drawin shit...makeing DC look worst than it allready does...bad nuff it's chocolate city.... heres some bricks
  18. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    youre all niggers.....somebody get a fucking rope!!!!
  19. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    its spelled N I G G E R....
  20. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    CAVE DBK is the knock out king...what like 3 and 0...one on one...while they was playing prank calls he was knocking niggas out the box...plus taggin up at least 200 fills...but ya gots to grow up some day...
  21. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    here we go again... thats nice how the address is in plain view...LOL
  22. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    was there a RELM from Philly back in the 90's...no disrespect to this guy just thinking back some...same old same old...Those CERT and EON burners are hittin'...Classic...
  23. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    dos tags is hot to def.....
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