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Everything posted by GEEB

  1. geeb Quoted post Thanks, ill be posting flicks of others and one of yours too moser, real soon.
  2. And it really cool! Gotta Collect em all. YEA! GOOOOOOO FRIENDSHIP!!!
  3. Thanks!LIMIT, at first i drew them with sharpies, but later on i got tired of messing up so i scanned it, and since then ive mass printed them usually i print them out blank and then i draw on them just to add a more personal touch.I use usps lables to print them on because my printer has a built in 5x7" slot that can take in these lables. In case ur wondering, i refill my ink cartriges with chinese calligraphy ink that i get from china town, this ink is Absolutly Unwashable, got it on my hands once and i didnt come off for like 3 weeks! sorry for the long background i got alot to say, Oh yeah, Im definatly down for a trade, pm me your addy and ill pm you mine. ;)
  4. Can anyone tell me how much postage is to mail to the U.K.?
  5. Moser i just dropped my package in the mail, expect it soon.
  6. damn, awsome flicks i havent been able to put any up latley because its been raining like a bitch in SF. cant wait for spring... "Its okay lil'nigga, youll be on tha streets soon enough!" besides that, im up for another trade, so hit hit me up if your interested.
  7. Ive been expementing with miniature geebs, they are about the size of a quarter. besides that, is anyone up for a trade???
  8. Nice site orbit, i especially enjoyed the envelopes with your own special touch to it.
  9. ^^^ thats good to know, If ur a little dissappointed with the stickers i sent just tell me, ill send another batch, because i know the last few batches ive sent were kinda crappy, but this time around ive improved alot on every thing. ;)
  10. Thanks, its just that im trying to find a character that i can say is my signature, and i feel after coming up with all these diffrent characters, snayx might be it.
  11. Thanks, Ive already got 30 of them done, and they DO save ink, so i guess i might as well ask everyone: Should i stop making Geebs and only make snayx? yes or no?
  12. Heres some flicks i took over the weekend, both are mine. i also put a bob one up, but destruction will have the honor of seeing it first in his email. ;) geeb twinsnayx
  13. http://shop.usps.com/cgi-bin/vsbv/postal_s...jsp?OID=1003578 this is the links for some usps lables, thank me later. or never. both is okay as long as i dont get kicked.
  14. where did you buy the clear coat you used on those stickers? i wouldve probly used that instead of tape.
  15. the closest to utah ive ever gotten was to arizona on summer vacation, i arizona is not place i ever want to return to...ever :shook:
  16. ^^^ these geebs look crappy because i stepped on then after they fell out of my pocket.
  17. Enough beef, more flicks, here some fresh ones, featuring GEEBs and some anonomus shit. the geebs are mine ;)
  18. sorry frost for the big hold up on the stickers..they are on thier way as i breath. ;)
  19. So much tension in here could put a sticker on it!
  20. ^^^Ok, sorry i missunderstood.
  21. Ving, i didnt say "this is the first bob and eltoro sticker in SF" I said I havent seen any around in SF, and i said i hope these are the first. that was all, of course i couldve been mistaken. on a side not: cracksmoka watsup, i put ur stickers in the mail on friday, email me when you get them.
  22. are you trying to say theres already bob and eltoro stickers in SF??
  23. Here's a Bob sticker, and an eltoro sticker i got in a sticker trade with stars above,these are in sanfrancisco, i havent seen any bobs or eltoros in SF so im hoping these are the first. By the way im sending some more stickers to you Stars, frost yours should be on the way sorry for the back up, and Destruction yours are also on the way(youll find that your stickers are a bit diffrent in design that i usually would do).
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