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Everything posted by GEEB

  1. ^^^ these geebs look crappy because i stepped on then after they fell out of my pocket.
  2. Enough beef, more flicks, here some fresh ones, featuring GEEBs and some anonomus shit. the geebs are mine ;)
  3. sorry frost for the big hold up on the stickers..they are on thier way as i breath. ;)
  4. So much tension in here could put a sticker on it!
  5. ^^^Ok, sorry i missunderstood.
  6. Ving, i didnt say "this is the first bob and eltoro sticker in SF" I said I havent seen any around in SF, and i said i hope these are the first. that was all, of course i couldve been mistaken. on a side not: cracksmoka watsup, i put ur stickers in the mail on friday, email me when you get them.
  7. are you trying to say theres already bob and eltoro stickers in SF??
  8. Here's a Bob sticker, and an eltoro sticker i got in a sticker trade with stars above,these are in sanfrancisco, i havent seen any bobs or eltoros in SF so im hoping these are the first. By the way im sending some more stickers to you Stars, frost yours should be on the way sorry for the back up, and Destruction yours are also on the way(youll find that your stickers are a bit diffrent in design that i usually would do).
  9. This is just a suggestion, but since its winter, with the rain,snow and cold i suggest weather proofing your stickers, thats what i do with my stickers, all it takes is some packaging tape, an exacto knife or razor and your ready to go! just cover the sticker with the tape and then smooth out the air bubbles then cut the sticker out in the shape of your sticker, then presto! rain, snow and cold proof stickers! just a tip. try it, it works.
  10. ^^^that one is really nice, but is it a sticker? Its nice anyway.
  11. I was wondering, has anyone heard of slapping stickers on a police vehicle? would you suggest it?
  12. Damn guys, lately the street sticker thread has been going slow, we need to start putting more up! im definatly going to have some new flicks by tomarro, or my name isnt Wrastlin' willis'! yee haw!
  13. Im really sorry if these flicks are too big. my camera battery was low so i didnt have time to shrink them.
  14. heres an old one in the street: Sanfrancisco, glen park. And heres my newest batch of GEEBs(Meet the family) im getting some bobs to put in sanfrancisco soon, ill be posting those asap. Im always up for a trade, i really want to see these geebs in other cities. who knows maby other countries, how much is postage to england?
  15. Can someone help These little guys be seen all over the streets of america? email me about a trade. Oh yeah and Orbitnmus your stickers are on its way, hope you like em. heres some flicks of the stickers im trying to trade off: these three are are in the mail for OrbitNmus. And these guys are just itching to get out of my house and into the streets.
  16. Hey, frost, have you gotten my stickers yet? Havent heard from you in a long ass time!
  17. Anybody up for a trade? Pm me or email me, my emails in my sig. PS: i know, the blue and green ones look crappy, when i trade they wont look like those.
  18. I plan on making these stickers my official street sig. what do you guys think? I drew em myself. i want feed back befor i put them out on the streets. Im sorry if this is the wrong place to post. :burn:
  19. OK MAN... reeeeelax!!! you're writing urban on your stickers!! ha! I'm from the suburbs too man, no need to dis the burbs cuz you're "from the city" You can be a writer anywhere!! so chill with the whole I'm a struggleing graff writer cuz I dont live in the city any more!!! hecz. suburbanknights! Quoted post [/b] Yea.. i guess your right, but even you gotta admit, this town is my canvas! hehehe!
  20. heres some other stickers i plan on slapping later on, check out my mini stack of usps labels... you liiiike? lol so much work to do in this tiwn i live in...
  21. Hey wassup people, im actually new to the sticker thing but ive been doing sketches for a while now, anyway I just moved with my parents(im 16) from the city and now into suburbia man, was i pissed, but its cool because this place has like no graffiti or stickers any where! so basically the town is mine to post stickers and spray all over the damn place! besides that i can catch the train for five bucks to chill whit my homies back in the city, so its ok i guess, any way im gonna start posting stickers like crazy and ill definetly be posting pics real soon! awright later.
  22. by the way if you didnt know you can pick up these postage stamps like the one i sketched on at any post office FREE! best 0 dollars ive ever spent in my life!
  23. My link got messed up this time im using photbucket: Well Criticism it says GEEB.
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