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Posts posted by CMF

  1. bitch is dumb,,, witha capitol D. heres todays rundown:

    she came down with the flu. ok.

    so we go to the minor er. ok.

    she gets a script of pramenthazine (no codeine). and complains for an hour that she didnt get any narcotics.... ok

    so we get back to the house and she freaks the fuck out saying she has the worst headache in the world and shes gonna faint.

    so we say we will take her to the hospital. she refuses and says she needs an ambulance to take her. so....

    she calls 911 on herself. they come get us. we sit in the er. meanwhile she is in "agonizing pain" and moans and screams loudly until a nurse comes in and says "you cannot scream in here".

    so the dr comes in and gives her a norco and a shot of dilaudid. ok.

    we get out and she THEN has the fucking NERVE to say her head still hurts and she wants her mom to give her money to buy norcos off some guy..

    the end.

    fuck my life.

  2. hey i need one of you female posters on here, preferably from texas to help me pull a fast one on my baby momma. she hacked into my facebook accnt and has been reading all my shit. so what i need one of yall to help me with is, start up a conversation on there and be like "oh shit! you got me pregerzz!" or HIV or something. just improv the shit and itll be fun. it will help me a lot and teach her a valuable lesson. ill come back to this thread and let you know the results.

  3. I am proud of you, son.

    Don't let anything these people may say get you down.

    You've always been a true friend to me and I appreciate all that you have done for me over the years.


    You know I always got your back.

    I cut to the bone for my B.A.M.s.


    ANd you don't wanna marry me. You said I be getting too skinny.

    Even though I stay eating cake at 4 in the morning erry night.

    Except last night, I went for biscuits and gravy at five in the morning.

    My eating habits aside, you know I am trouble.

    You should listen to your own advice when it comes to me.

    you may be right. you alright though.

    i know when the shit hits the fan youll be there for me too though.

  4. Opanas are no joke my friend...they boost your tolerance like crazy to all other opiates too.


    Try fentanyl though if your looking for more of an 8-10 hour drool :lol:


    fentanyl is garbage. shoot herion in yo dick, son.

  5. Marry Bloodfart?


    yo, my thoughts exactly. she can cook a mean biscuits and gravy breakfast. but man, i got a job kind of, doing odds and ends kind of shit for an electrician and another side job designing graphics for this little company. trying to keep my nose clean. aa/ca/na meeting suck. i can barley sit through an entire hour of that shit. hopefully i can save up enough money to get an apartment or at least switch sober houses. i dont know.

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