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Everything posted by modelboy

  1. Looks like the creepers are coming out of the closet... i also have been viewing this thread for quite some time but have finally decided to join the "club". In regards to what similarities we all shoot for subject matter, all of us on here have common interests (graffiti, freight culture, nature, night time, etc...) so it's no suprise to me that we all decide to snap our buttons at these subjects. A lot of these subjects are also quite common for image makers to take notice of, such as shadows, textures, compostions, etc.. I think as photographers we look at things slightly differently that the common person, maybe being intrigued/excited about shadows cast by wires. While an average joe only sees boring wires and nothing else to it. blah blah blah..... feel free to comment
  2. YO NESAR/ DFEK / ZEK / SHOK ! if you are reading this please email me at THEBARONPERRIN@YAHOO.CA koner is up in spain and he's trying to get a hold of u know who is out there right now... holla
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