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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. oh yea a quick question abt cans...is it safe to even buy cans at a store...wont like the clerk or sumshit say anything...because, there is a young (18+watver) male buying cans...who would expect anything else...of course its a free country..but ya.
  2. I realize that this is not simple, or watever..and i dont write freaky anymore, but i just wanted to post this up. i also realize taht there is an overlapp on the f and r that shud not be there and that the k is of a different font, but wat can i say... the paper was 2 small, and it is difficult trying to stay in the same font. :gaga:
  3. dude.ekso..i think a name change is wat u needed..definately looks better tahn before..of course wat do i no..im a toy.
  4. fuk last ones messed up ill try again
  5. aite any other feed back then changing my name to elf..lol. heres a new one. sorry bout size. Quoted post [/b] thanks in advance leader.
  6. yo leader help me out....cud u give me feedback.ive been asking fer feedback..but nobody actually gave feedback....ill repost the stuff if u want
  7. dang this shit gives me an erection
  8. aite any other feed back then changing my name to elf..lol. heres a new one. sorry bout size.
  9. changed my name to EFK since freak is taken.....is this simple...feedback?
  10. aite since the name FREEK is taken....is it ok if i just change my name to freaky, cuz ppl actually no me by that...or sum variation using those letters cuz im used to writing em?
  11. dont extend the y like taht..
  12. well im not an expert ..but fer starters werk on maintainingthe same font...and same size....if ull look at the advice i got or any1 else will ever get is...try looking at basic stuff like the letters in keyboards...and trying to draw those....shit loads of times.
  13. dang ur rite..not the smartest thing to do
  14. hows my hand...cant say its not simple.
  15. aite i see wat ur saying... so wats ur feeling abt the first pic.
  16. aite i see wat ur saying... so wats ur feeling abt the first pic.
  17. is this considered simple? disregard the colors. seriously.
  18. which is thebetter amongst the three. note: better is a relative term, does not imply that it is actually good.
  19. my bad..shudve made last one smalller.
  20. ok so i need feedbac,,.not juts comments..i no my shit is shit...thats y im a toyy...anyting salvageble atleast?
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