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Everything posted by phunk

  1. The chuck taylor collection!! :king: :king:
  2. Rage, excellent! The pay phones & bench shots are especially good. Colors and composition rock! I guess it wouldn't be the most sensitive thing if I mentioned that it's sunny and in the 60s here... ;)
  3. Lots of great stuff everybody... I like those gas station shots!
  4. Another thought... If you're willing to buy used, there are deals out there. Due to the speed at which this technology is evolving, there are plenty of 1st and 2nd generation DSLRs available used, only a year or two old. Check Ebay and other such sites for cams like the Canon 10D, the Nikon D100, and the Canon Digital Rebel, among others. These are already "old" models and so as people upgrade, I assume a lot of them are on the used market in excellent shape. Might be a way to grab a DSLR if that's what you really want. Good luck!
  5. colt, thanks. i use the Canon Digital Rebel, a 6.3 mp SLR. you can find them now for about $800 retail, maybe a little less. it uses interchangeable lenses, so expenses can mount as you buy lenses for it. a camera like the Sony that geist uses has only one (very good) lens, which is less flexible, but less expensive too.
  6. few more, shot last spring... all digital.
  7. geist, beautiful, intimate shots with rich color. the lens on that Sony is a winner. i like the 2nd, 3rd and 4th shots best. nice! wreckonize, cute cat pic! ctrl+alt+del, cool keys shot!
  8. Thanks, glad you like. Not digital. 35mm print film negative scanned on my Epson 3200 flatbed. Minor adjustments in PS. I don't recall exactly, but I probably boosted the saturation a bit. Took the photo several years ago with my Nikon 8008 SLR. Nikkor 28-70 zoom lens.
  9. A few 35mm pics from my collection... scans of print film negs. Nikon SLR.
  10. beautiful shots GnomeToys... I especially like the first two. :)
  11. Thanks for the kind words all! Ckit, I love your cat pic. :) I use the Cannon Digital Rebel (6.3 mp). Used the "kit" lens (EF-S 18-55) for those 3 shots. Took them in the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, which has an enclosed room with hundreds of butterflies flying around. Makes shooting butterflies a lot easier! All 3 shots were hand-held, probably 400 ISO. Used Photoshop to punch up the colors a bit. Since I took those last Spring, I've purchased the EF 28-135 and the EF 17-40 "L" series. I rarely use the kit lens any more. Almost all my graff shots in the Frisco thread are with the 17-40.
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