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Everything posted by SqurrlMaster

  1. did any of you guys get flix of that big ass brawl outside the gallery last nite??? i heard the whole parking lot was covered in blood and they needed like 5 ambulances to take away all the dead bodies.
  2. bump for range rovers, the yard, and cute freights.
  3. ha ha ha wow, yall real niggas need to watch thefuck out. jerry curls, cobras, fill ins, whatever yall rockin'. watch ya bizzack dizzawg. ill steal your bong. p.s. modest mouse sucks. listen to primus, bitch.
  4. even though it utilizes the canadian loop-de-loos, i really, really like that last money. way to go lj's ps. none of yall can fuck with cobra kai dojo. HI-YAH!!!
  5. im sorry to butt in, but my cobras are far superior to yours seeking. and keep in mind that malt liquor is the most pure form of hip hop there is, dawg.
  6. graffiti dont need no book learnin books arent hip hop
  7. ansig, did you draw that yourself or did you find that? either way its quite humorous.
  8. kwamie is on some george bush shit, dont hate the playa, hate the game. politics have always been about smoke & mirrors and empty promises. this isnt anything new, detroit has always been broke in contrast with other major cities. its not the mayor that is fucked up, its the whole city. if you have no ambition, life will continue to suck until YOU go do something about it. im from the suburbs and i help rebuild the city by giving bums change. your welcome detroit. pop is still under a dollar in the city, and rap snacks are 4 for a dollar. and i dont like when you refer to us as 'white people', the proper term is "tax paying americans".
  9. i was drunk & that was mean sorry guys
  10. dude, just shut up. youve stated plenty of times before that you dont write anymore. calling me a cop was just dumb. if you dont already know who i am, just consider me someone who doesnt have shit to prove to you. and i am proud to be a cracker too, motherfucker. p.s. i dont know who youre calling a king, you got the elite internet status.
  11. o.m.g. cop! :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: Quoted post [/b] yea, im here to arrest your non-graffiti-painting ass. seriously, theres been more random out of towners through detroit this year than before. poser, waste and others. usually people come through and paint spots with detroit writers, a la skrew or thor or coupe. all the yeah shit ive seen on the streets have been solo missions. just wondering
  12. 100 pages, congradulations kids. that ansiq & far is a nice one too, niggaz wit hats is a great movie.
  13. that cat & mouse money is nice. who'd he bite that one from seeks?
  14. you drink dat nati ice you get drizzunk foo
  15. wow, i dont go on the internet for a couple days and i miss a whole bunch of goodness! seriously guys, what would compell a grown ass man to steal, or even buy for that matter, countless cans of spraypaint and go write their name (no matter how good it looks) on somepone elses property will be an ongoing mystery to society. graffiti is childish any way you look at it. beef, biting, crews, it reminds me alot of how life was back in 6th grade. also graffiti means different things to different people. for me & my friends, its more about enjoying the delinquent aspect of being a writer. to some, its about proving yourself. for some its about art, for others its about territory (shitty gang graffiti counts too). judging from countless rants, it seems like graffiti is the only thing in life seeks has to look forward to. and thats ok. you can take graffiti as seriously as you want to. you can take criticism as an insult, or you can use it as motivation. who the hell cares? go out and get laid or something, losers.
  16. dude i remember that! god, i wish i could find that issue. skateboarding used to be so sweet, oh wait, so did graffiti.
  17. damn dudes, this shit is sweet home, army, kosek, sekt, snafu, that silver far is awesome too. its times like this that make want to start painting again.
  18. sekt, kcm, pluto, kosek & that nigga loaf that far train was pretty cool too JAUNT REST IN PEACE
  19. a) detroit yes isnt even a graff site, its just a bunch of flix of abandoned buildings and shit run by art fag photographers. b) were saving all the walls so you can come here and king shit out, homie.
  20. whoah the grizzle! that abort proves that straight letters will never get old & furs is consistantly ass-kickin
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