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Everything posted by JimmyTheHat

  1. Nagh not glass dude, like if theres a painted wall or sumtin u do it on it and in a day or two it eats through the paint, leaving your tag. Isaac
  2. Ok for you etch kids that can't buy it. I heard from a reliable source that Acetone works. Isaac
  3. sorry i just posted the same thing twice. sorry AMEN Ps still help me w/ this problem. what kind of paint shoud i use?
  4. hey i got a zig posterman marker and replace the ink w/ paint and spirts but its runnin dry in like the first line. what do i need to do more spirits or waht someone help me out here AMEN
  5. I just bought one of those zigposterman markers. The kind that you have to prime. I filled it w/ bucket paint and mineral spirits but when ever i try it it runs out of juice in the nib on the first line. Should i just keep addin the spirts? Or just start over.??? AMEN
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