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Everything posted by Adernaline

  1. sexy colour choice, i salute you :love2:
  2. thought you might find this interesting omen. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting
  3. about the the leeho glue marker - drips?
  4. nice work panakeii, sounds lethal ;)
  5. a true brits stock :crazy: i dont have a problem with the artliners, but i dont use them much - the flowpens nib seems to bend over alot so it cant be pushed down as simply.
  6. paints in the garage & its too cold to go out there. yes, im a pussy. also got a few 20mms as featured in the picture above, but again, garage.
  7. I'll try to get some pictures of some garvey stains for a bit later :crazy:
  8. You can usually find a few on ebay..'silver marker' or something. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW there ya go - british n'all, what a find ;)
  9. nope, for me mops are a one night only thing and only for when you specifically go out to write, not to carry around just incase.
  10. Yep it's a good marker - if anyones down for a trade the one i pictured is a spare.. aim's od0s or pm.
  11. to the guy asking about the marker, ive got 2 - pretty good all round markers actually. i usually carry that or the mini flow pen. havent used this one yet, this is what you'll get..
  12. hook it up :D ;) a quick mop i made with just black nero in..had alot to spare
  13. what a thread this has become.. please - close it soon, theres already a good 30 odd pages of pure bullshit to look through before you can find any solid answers and not just repetitive questions about mixing etch with fucking ink etc :huh2:
  14. im proud to say ive been here since the start - under a different user name yeh, but still. :crazy:
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2276981910 for marsh..blue though.
  16. you have to draw dicks on things if its in the right shape..you can't not do it - it'd be a crime. im confused by the picture up there though, is that an american thing?
  17. im thinking a mix for the future would be marsh garvey and nero..maybe with a bit of gv/mb :naughty: just need to get my hands on marsh.
  18. that deserves a slap. and for you chumba.
  19. :haha: and supposing you're insanely poor with no paint but have a build up of alot of ink over the years, you'd use..
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