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Everything posted by deafikator

  1. that shit is at least a couple years old.....dope shit tho....
  2. is that a weah and shizok character??????
  3. hey rubix SLOW down, take your time and it'l' come out right........
  4. all this bickerin remides me of somethin girly, i just cant figure out what????????? oh wait i know... a fukin soap opera, niggas battle already or just do it the good ol' way and fight it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. yo anyone know where da next at the top of the page is at????
  6. keep it up, someones bound to get hurt....
  7. yall do yall thing but my advice to yall would be NOT to touch another ADK......
  8. man yall should have killed that last billboard!!!! fuk it tho yall still got up there.....
  9. oh my god that last steel is FUKIN RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ruets, rime and ewok fukin sick.... oh and fukin pose is retardly amazing....
  11. damn that ol school pysa is dope!!!!!!!
  12. yo can anyone tell me wheres i can find paint, tips or magazines?? let me know cause im tryin to find some graf shops here in DF...
  13. 1 year???????? c'mon i got a couple more of those.......
  14. yo those stales are dope....
  15. calm down there little lady you might wet yourself.....
  16. prolly cause you seem to have somethin to say about evrything and anything you see on here.....
  17. god damn..... those damet peices were fukin ridiclous!!!!!!!!!!
  18. damn thats fukin old...... post that dts family tree..........
  19. some oldies........ bump more old school 750's.......
  20. yo sip some or smoke sonme for that nigga big moe......
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