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holy roller.

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Everything posted by holy roller.

  1. bump for homies' aluminum bat, he should upgrade to mase though, much more efficient. :ballcap: :mean: :stretch:
  2. put this on the roller thread..its clean. Quoted post [/b] Why do a big roller inside of something like this, its doesnt make sense. :clown2:
  3. I met that guy and he bought me a 40, seemed pretty cool too. Rome Pier
  4. PHUNK's pictures never show up on my computer, what a disappointment.
  5. Name dropping is not cool. :sadcrying:
  6. There's nothing wrong with jewish peeps.
  7. Bump for that fool NEKST he's killin .
  8. I believe somebody mentioned this a while ago...
  9. Somebody knows their shit.
  10. MR Dest Erupto who's to the left of erupto
  11. Scrag is pretty clean, the flicks are way too big though.
  12. Holy hot jesus! Erupto Aker Norm steel Daysr Books Nice flicks.
  13. Erupto and Nekst imitation crab meat
  14. India Revok Steel Hentai Books nice flicks drunkp. and Chuckt.
  15. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/canibalism/File0378.jpg'>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/canibalism/File0379.jpg'> something in someones book im borrowing.
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