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dreamt death

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  1. That picture rocks, very moving.
  2. Best god damn dude to paint with, plus he's hilarious. Miss you bro.
  3. All the alcohol can't make me forget you brother. One day we will paint again. Rest In Power
  4. Why is the Bmore thread down?!? open it quick. Nice flicks DC.
  5. type R Hit me up! I'm in town, we need to paint.
  6. In todays graff circuit the only thing missing is respect, it's a gone.
  7. http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8273/CrowningBuckKreationz.jpg'> sketch by Konk for Crowning Buck Kreationz soon to be website http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/4182/MonkeyseeMonkeydoo.jpg'> sketch by Konk .. Monkey see Monkey Do
  8. http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5831/evokeastpoint.jpg'>
  9. First off, I love you. Secondly, I love how open minded you all are to people who look beyond shitty drippy outlines, and are quick to hate on heads with can control and potential long term talent. Please stop sodomizing cans of aerosol, then wiggling your ass around in the air to get your outlines up, proctologists love the business but your giving graff a bad rep. Either stop bombing drunk or do it more so the outlines look cleaner. enough
  10. Why is it everytime anyone see's a thought out themed wall on these boards; they assume it's legal, it isn't. The age old question of just burning Vs. just boming has arose, I know all of the writers on that ILLEGAL wall that I posted. For the most part, all of them still bomb their home town and others (i.e baltimore). Some of the other writers don't bomb mainly because their getting older and don't need legal issues. However, writers who just bomb and get up (xrae, coma, whoever) do put in work; but couldn't do a piece or an outline to save their life. Work on your can control guys. DC- keep burning and bombing.
  11. hall of fame konk thus emoh & spade http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9583/Infectedproduction.jpg'>
  12. I am not one to edit other peoples posts; but, the last line in your entry should have read, "Get off your high horse and stay the fuck *OUT of* Baltimore. PS- Go to http://www.imageshack.us/ and post pictures on here.
  13. I've sat back and watched this thread go to shit, post pictures of some QUALITY bombs/throws that are up in or around the DC area. Enough said.
  14. Canvass.. here is a 5'x5'. It's a giant 3D lettler K. http://img1.imageshack.us/img1/8383/letterK.jpg'>
  15. Does this mean koma has a vagina? This would explain the sloppy outlines if he/she is a women.
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