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Posts posted by Pfffffffffft

  1. there is no clear indication that you might have a

    psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder.



    There is no indication that you might have a narcissistic personality disorder.


    There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.


    You meet 80% of the range of general personality disorder criteria.

  2. Ate at a real "fancy" restaurant once... Heard you're never supposed to ask for "steak sauce" at these types of places.


    I asked for A1 sauce and they looked at me like I was rude... A vile, terrible request... I learned you have to either eat it plain in its prepared seasonings, or you ask for horseradish at most...


    yeah.. a super no no to ask for ketchup too (even worse). anything over medium is just as tacky. and ruining the meat


    people who eat well done steaks are the same people who think pizza hut is real pizza.

    • Like 1
  3. im also a fan of Requeijão.


    a Brazilian cheese.


    Requeijão (Portuguese pronunciation: [ʁekejˈʒɐ̃w]) is a milk-derived product, produced in Portugal and Brazil. It is sometimes called requesón (the Spanish word for ricotta) in English-speaking countries.


    It is a loose, ricotta-like cheese used to make cheese spreads.


    The Brazilian product is a type of cream cheese white in color (but not similar to the American notion of cream cheese, and may be better understood as "creamy cheese"). It has a mild taste and its consistency can vary from creamy solid, like the catupiry, to liquid. Traditionally associated with the state of Minas Gerais, the mineiro presence in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo from the start of the 20th century on popularized it and nowadays it is produced all over the country. Its most common variant is requeijão cremoso, with a consistency similar to that of condensed milk; usually sold in glasses or plastic cups, both generally re-employed by Brazilians as usual cups.








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