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Posts posted by Pfffffffffft

  1. ANd those NOT Oooontz thru said phone will log-in / log-out / user error BS :mad:



    logically going to be part of the update.


    as was said in another thread, still things getting ironed out, way behind the scenes. Raven and company are working hard.

    When the word is handed down to give out details.. you all will know.

  2. this place has had its ups and downs. this past one was a way down.

    as its been said before, the way we internet has changed as well.. due to social media, new sites and blogs, ect.


    When the update happens there will be some cool new little differences.

    Without going into too much detail, too early, those oontzing from their phone should be happy with the new interface.


    pow pow!

  3. Ok, its the first day of my weekend and decided to take my kid to the park down the street. Normal suburban dad shit. There was a group of about 6 moms there with a gaggle of kids between the ages of 2-4, and they are just letting them run wild, not watching them. Whatever not my problem. The kids started chasing the ducks around the duck pond, no big deal right? Except in with the ducks are a couple of Canadian Geese. So I tell the moms "Those ducks will just run away, but those geese won't back down" and they look at me like I just called them all fucking cunts. "I'm just saying, those geese can draw blood on a grown man". Their response? "They will be fine". Not 20 fucking seconds later one of their kids starts screaming bloody murder and runs over to where those bitches are sitting with blood gushing down his face. Sure as shit one of the geese "goosed" him on the cheek, not a 1/4" from his left eye. He had a 3/4" crescent shaped gash, down to the white meat. This is the part where most people say "I was the bigger man and just walked away" but I don't have that in me. I stood up, said "I just told you fucking dumb bitches, and now that kid is going to carry a fucking scar on his face for the rest of his life, because you all are too fucking lazy and self-absorbed to watch him". I collected my son and left. You just can't help some people.


    good story.


    youre right about the eye patch.

  4. the bitch at the snack store was a complete rude bitch last week.


    i told her she was a rude bitch to her face (in portuguese of course with my gringo accent) and she acted shocked and whispered some shit to her mother (the owner). I never went back there.


    well actually I did go back this weekend to spray paint a huge penis on their roll down gate.


    that will teach them.

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