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  1. anyone got any info on amsterdam, hit me up. will exchange for paint.
  2. speaking of going out, can you please do it less, i cringe everytime i see your work champ. dont keep up the bad work
  3. sicccccckkkk wastegate flutter broooo. i will help you, if your not apart of the antilag faggot car club
  4. i find it highly amuzing how some people like to preach when they can barely construct a correct paragraph with spelling mistakes.graffiti is about sniffing paint, living on the dole, beating down old ladies and occasionally drinking your own urine. dont let anyone tell you any different. now lets break out the marshmallows and sing kumbaya.
  5. all i hear in this thread is -your better then me, so you must bite people. -im mad staunch. -look at me i have a point to prove. -ive been in the scene 2 years so i know what im talking about. hate is the new graffiti. here is something completely off topic, random and will blow your minds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbTQ2bq9qBg nowgodropsometagsyousickcunts
  6. yeh we should really copy more what black people do in the states. sell crack, kill people, ride on dubs, smoke sherm, drink colt 45's, make pathetic raps about prison and police, eat at kfc. hope YALL like that, now get off my gold plated grill which has chicken stuck in it
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNECiWFItR8&feature=PlayList&p=53C92C62E2B7680E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=5
  8. dont just hate on them. most of perths newbies work seem like a collab of 12oz threads
  9. just a couple to keep you entertained
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