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Mr Rad Pants

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Everything posted by Mr Rad Pants

  1. Saw Dead Stop last night...and it's safe to say that dead stop kicks my ass.
  2. i;m drunk and i tried to steal this kids kicthen tabl,e but he stopped me so i pure dbeber in his backpack...he was some stipid hippie college kid. is thins wrong? i dont think it is
  3. saw btbam/cave in/converge last night....for some reason there were a lot of 30 year old metal heads trying to play air guitar and headbang in the pit. pretty strange. ps- lights out is good
  4. ohhh shit niggaz bout 2 get served...bust out the straight hood movez god
  5. oh yeah well i heard my dad can beat your dad up
  6. i disagree, those first two look like a mountain of dragon feces.
  7. are you really a monkey because you sure do spell like one....
  8. Re: ehhh, screw paperchase.... ahoy is sad on the inside
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