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Everything posted by KiSe

  1. what the hell kinda word is aemus?
  2. hey ill get down on that battle, whats the word?
  3. just fucking around http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/iheartfreights/2004_0623Image0001.jpg'>
  4. and tough deccision on the res battle, but i like paids the best.
  5. My ghetto ass homer sketch http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/iheartfreights/2004_0622Image0002.jpg'>
  6. yeah same here. but ill get in on the homer battle since nobody else is...
  7. No, were still waiting on vanilla nice to enter his........
  8. Grief entry http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/iheartfreights/grief.jpg'>
  9. Bordem.... http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/iheartfreights/parasketcher.jpg'>
  10. i'd like to do grief, i guess due date is the end of this weekend if its cool with you and whoever else....
  11. for porque pick whatever word you want to sketch.... heres a few ideas: karma, Femer, dream, (rip) grief, trust, whatever you want, just pick a word.
  12. i'll battle you duder, and ill try to have it in on time and not rushed this time around. pick the word
  13. and you didn't capitalize your I so that must disqaulify you from somthing.......
  14. well people have already started voting on the soft battle, so i dont know if this counts but how did my name magicly dissappear from the list? http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/iheartfreights/soft.jpg'>
  15. kooties, seriously man, how are you going to hate on sombody that paints a WHOLE lot more then you do. and you compare his throwup to your hand? and that JAone and cap shit was funny.....
  16. votes Dlokd for smut koot for new sf1 for the handstyles and i am sorry about the soft battle, but i will have it done very soon.
  17. im in on the soft battle also
  18. Anybody want to battle? hit me up on aim: killcop3
  19. lust for char battle yellowfeets for forum
  20. word i was thinking it was unfinished, looks promising
  21. the top half looks great, but the hands, legs, and shirt could use a little more deffinition. good use of shape and color tho. para aka artfag0ner
  22. Re: VOWZA uh, can you say BITE
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