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Everything posted by Mainter

  1. Rose, Kevin 950 S Westmoreland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90006 213-383-6566
  2. no, Hooray Goon (you have to buy me a case of beer ) for helping
  3. Here's How:To Rip An Audio CD Using Windows Media Player 10 with a little more help first open windows media player go to the start menu right click in a blank area and select task manager from there right click windows mediaplayer in the task manager window /select Go To Process it will go to the wmplayer.exe in the processes tab automatically while its selected go to it and right click a drop box will come down (select set priorty) a slide box will come up and select high and a prompt box will come up (select yes close the webbrowser and any other programs you have running and do the process below what this does is has yer memory prioritized to work with windows media player very fast (this is the easiest way i can but it) be sure any other programs are closed before continuing and do not run any while its ripping 1. Insert the music CD into your computer’s CD drive. If a window titled “Audio CD” pops up, select “Take No Action” and click Ok. 2. Start Windows Media Player from the Start Menu. 3. With the “Now Playing” tabbed menu on the screen, select “Rip”. You’ll notice a list of your CD tracks appear, with the title, length, artist and other information either filled in or showing as unknown. If you have an Internet connection, click “Find Album Info” to have it downloaded and filled in automatically. Alternatively, you can click on items like artist once and manually type in the information. 4. Select Tools from under the top menu and choose Options. Choose the Rip Music tab. Check to see that the “Rip Music to this location” option is to your liking. If not, click Change. Under File Name, you can also choose what options (i.e. artist, song title) to include in the name. 5. Under Rip settings, select the Format you wish to save your music to. The Three Windows Media Audio formats can provide slightly better audio results then MP3, especially at lower bit rates (known as audio quality in Windows Media Player – see next step), but are not as widely supported on digital audio players as MP3s. 6. Audio quality selection is next. The slider, by moving it to the right, will increase the bit rate by which the music is recorded to. The higher the bit rate (i.e. displayed in the box as 192 Kbps), the better sounding quality the music will be. It also will increase the size of the individual music files, which may ultimately limit how many you can store on a portable device. 7. After confirming your selections, click Ok to return to the Rip CD screen. 8. Looking at the screen, you will see checkmarks next to each of the tracks to be copied. If you wish to not copy some of them, uncheck those marks. 9. Click Rip Music. A progress bar will appear next to each song title as it is copied onto your hard drive. You can stop the rip at anytime by clicking Stop Rip. 10. When all of the songs have been ripped, you can eject the CD and put it away. 11. Congratulations – you’ve ripped a CD using Windows Media Player 10!
  4. ok what program is being used to rip? what version of windows if windows mediaplayer what version? what format are you ripping the cd to? mp3/wma/ogg/flac (if using WMP default if never changed is wma select mp3
  5. is it just audio cds or data cds that will not burn?
  6. is the cd rom just not burning or is it not reading cd-r's........ i have not read all the post on his issue
  7. instead of us reading thru all the crap and making you look for stuff you will not find go here http://www.crucial.com/index.asp and press scan my system it will scan the computer and tell you what kind you need for example it will look like this [/img] dont mind them prices (most likley they will not be this expensive) what we need here is the specs that the scanner gave you for yer computer
  8. lord_casek Elite Member lord_casek is on a distinguished road Posts: 4,922 Join Date: Jan 2006 Status: Offline
  9. TweakVI Tweaking utility for Windows Vista Download
  10. http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php Monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in your computer
  11. casek/shai/def/deto/anyone hey can someone send me tiny XP rev 5 or 4
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD i just threwup thats sick
  13. Captain Underpants And The Attack Of The Talking Toilets
  14. i got an old 512mb Iriver mp3 player with FM radio that i got from a garage sale for 50 bucks 4 years ago and that shit is still kicking in perfect condition but............. i would like to move up and get this zune
  15. Computerworld has an article examining Microsoft's plans to launch a competitor to the Apple iPod, the wireless media player called Zune. The article lists five reasons why Apple may fear the Zune, and why it won't be as easily smacked down as the dozens of mp3 players before it have been. The Zune isn't just a music player, the article argues. Think of it as a portable, wireless, hardware version of MySpace. With the Zune, Microsoft is trying to launch a consumer media 'perfect storm.'" From the article: "Microsoft will make the movement of media between Windows, Soapbox and the Zune natural and seamless. The Zune interface is just like a miniature version of the Windows Media Center user interface and is very similar to some elements of Vista. Apple fans are overconfident in the iPod because Apple once commanded 92% of music player market share, a number that has since fallen to around 70%. About 30 million people own iPods. But Microsoft owns more than 90% of the worldwide operating systems market (compared with Apple's roughly 5%), representing some 300 million people. The company expects to have 200 million Vista users within two years."
  16. Quick 'N Easy IDE to USB Converter This is a great way to quickly add some extra storage either internally or externally to your system. It's also an excellent little tool for IT or tech support folks who need to backup internal hard disks a lot while they're fixing PCs. The gadget is made by a company called Vantec, which has named it (appropriately) the IDE-USB Adapter. Thing supports all standard IDE disk interfaces on one side and handles eitehr USB 1.1 or 2.0 on the other. A great little tool, especially at only about $25 on the street. (via OCModShop)
  17. i would but i really have no time i will help all i can
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