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Boulder St.

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Everything posted by Boulder St.

  1. 'That Nigga Loaf' went politically correct.
  2. That siner fill on 94 is pretty nice, too. So what happened after the all-star game, is detroit automatically rejuvenated now, are the streets paved with patinum and no potholes, is it a world class city now or does that happen after the super bull...can't wait to see :(
  3. Wow, I'm at a loss for words. There's self-promo and then there's just begging to be insulted and ridiculed. :scowl: :nope:
  4. I like dumpsters. But have you ever seen the swimmobile??? It's like a giant roll away dumpster made into a swimming pool. A truck comes and drops it off in the middle of the street...I saw it off of West Warren a few years ago. :chicken:
  5. haha....good shit fellas, fill them walls up.... all i gotta say that is, whenever someone decides to cap over my shit regardless of how faded off the wall it is, how wack it is, or who it is by , that shit's gettin CAPPED OVER BY ME!!! HA...don't think I don't prowl these streets on the regular. Those are the real 'yards', as far as I'm concerned... fuck the market....I like those out of the way unknown, unhit spots....and no name dropping please, do yer own searching....let the Metro Times be responsible for that bullshit (hope that never happens)!!! :clown2: All I'm sayin is that this town has hundreds of chill spots to drop those pieces and I hope that all the good writers who can piece get around to more of them, instead of dropping good shit in the market yard that gets dissed the next day by some suburban gangstas!!!! :chicken: And irate, deather, pluto...all you mofo's...send me a PM with your email addy's cuz I never got em ....thanks. Chef Bould - R - Street. ;)
  6. Damn, someone post some graf flix or hate on ansiq or something :beat: Chef Bould-R-Dee :yum:
  7. Pistons suck. And oh yea fuck the meatcutter's thugs.... I GOT BEEF. :chicken:
  8. Found these deep in the dirty south :huh2:
  9. fair enough red, I know you still paint shit, I'm just being an asshole and no, I don't know you and I would hope for your own good that you DON'T hang with Tony and I don't like hippies either so there, something we can agree on. Lurking, sorry son I let my emotions get the best of me, it won't happen again, you're un-grounded, you can go out and play now. :(
  10. wow... you are 'officially' (note the spelling) retired... ...I mean, that is... except for coming onto 12oz occasionally and posting sarcastic, scathing replies to people's shit... not that I completely agree with everything that lurking has to post here but... Go smoke another blunt with your boy Shady Tony and shut the fuck up ;)...
  11. While you 'where' drinking is not correct....not because it should say 'were', but because even if that is just a play on words, you can't intentionally fuck up a certain word using the spelling of another word that already exists. Now I'm all confused....I can't tell whether the word was spelled wrong on purppse or not. Note that this version of the word is missing the apostrophe in this hot fill-in. :gaga:
  12. :shook: OK, This is fucked up.... I was out today on my usual roll around/take pictures/pick up pop bottles for spare change mission when I came across this pile of bottles next to what appeared to be a dump spot trash pile off of some abandoned tracks:: AND THIS: Hmmm...what are those strange fluids in all those bottles!!!??? No worry, I eyed a pile of real 10 cent deposit bottles beyond this mess of piss- filled non-returnables. my backpack was already a bit full with the day's bounty, so I busted out with a couple of plastic grocery bags that I keep handy for such special occasions. I step across the pile of piss containers and begin to fill my bag with the real deal 10-centers....damn, it was quite a pile...."PAYDIRT", I thought. All of a sudden I hear a voice: "Hmmm, looks pretty good, huh?" I turn to my left and holy fuck I see a piece of cardboard move and there was a motherfucker sleeping under this pile of trash. he didn't getup, he was way too comfy for that. he looked like a middle aged eskimo/Fu-Man Chu/Mexican migrant worker who listened to a lot of heavy metal. "O sorry, my friend...I had no idea," I said and dropped the bottles back where I got them from. This was in the middle of the day. It was 80+ degrees out today. This is the man's home: He seemd happy, though ;)
  13. Damn....just think of what the MLH could have been- luxury lofts/hotel rooms, upscale boutiques, Starbucks, 5 star dining for the DAC shitheads. Damn...such a tragedy :burn: ...oh, and kwame....we gonna need a reup on them plastic light pole base cover things, G :haha: No doubt, I heard Big K was gonna pawn that gay-ass diamond earing at Zeidman's to help balnce the budget :five-o: tell those historic-preservation motherfuckers to chill out...the Super Bowls comin' soon..it's all good :haha: Calm down, at least you know there ain't no money being spent on the neighborhoods that could really use it :chicken: Everyone needs a scapegoat :gaga: And if it don't make dollars, it don't make sense :$: Roll big baller, roll deep ;) shit happens sometimes.... stolen flix...sorry I just had to do it... no buff needed, just bring on the wrecking ball :yuck: :haha:
  14. No wonder i haven't seen much of ANSIQ in the streets lately....you stole his pink bike!!!! :haha: I'll make you famous... you stink, get you some STICK :shook:
  15. MHC '96....10 yrs old...before picture...shit got smashed over now...it's not pretty :spent3:
  16. ...it is, too. Even more amazing is that shit has ran in Downtown Detroit for.....oh, I don't know, as long as anyone can remember, prolly since about the same time 'Straight Outta Compton' first hit the streets. Seriously, peep that 'LA' cap. Check out those gansta shades!! Eazy would be proud :haha: ....fuck toys that try, post some more funny shit. :chicken:
  17. ...Big baller check cashing....for all y'all playaz that can't open a fucking bank account or something :rolleyes:
  18. THIS THREAD IS WAK!!! :haha: ...for entertainment purposes only, please do not try this at home. :chicken:
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