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Posts posted by GucciCondom

  1. I rock Firefox on Windows 7 Ultra Black Edition......(and no it's not black edition because of the desktop BG hahaha)


    This setup runs fucking FLAWLESS. I highly suggest it.












  2. What a fucking fag. Why is this herb even getting any shine from the media, much less the cops?

    All's he does it put up gay little stickers.

    I guess when you put yourself on blast, you make yourself an easy target.




    "He calls himself "The Police!!" "


    I've always wondered if people with names like that actually WERE the police..hahaha


    Anyway, sticker fag art school chump needs to fuck off.

    He doesn't have a hand so he's irrelevant.

    Hope the police rape him.

  3. I spent a good 5 minutes trying to figure out what the fuck this thread is about.


    So it turns out you're just removing watermarks from Flikr images?


    Why the fuck is it called "spaceballing" like it's some super cool secret shit that we're exploiting.


    "Yeah nigga I spent all day finding this exploit and now I can spaceball!!!"

    "Oh shit son, what the fuck is that?"

    "Removing the watermarks from Flickr images!"




    Hey we might as well argue about hoagies too because nowhere else is fucking with our hoagie game.


    My favorite spots are all in the suburbs though.



    Italian Special, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Capicola, Prosciutto, etc etc and I went ahead and slopped madd mayo on it cus thats how I get down.












  5. This fat Swedish guy at work slurps his coffee loud as fuck and chews real loud.

    I've been OCD about slurping noises and "K" sounds since I was a little kid.

    It makes me get SOOOOO fucking mad, I start getting panic attacks and want to stab people over and over and over and over and over until I feel my body release a wave of calm.


    It does taste pretty good when I do it with my coffee but I make it a point not to slurp and not to chew loud because I don't want to be "that nigga."



    1st, Ferris wtf you talking about? I've never made a cheesesteak in my life, I can drive 5 minutes in any direction and get a huge, delicious one for 5 bucks so why would I waste the time.

    The milkshake I made was chocolate ice cream with peanut butter, which was fucking amazing.

    Don't type at me nigga you confused.



    IDK what's up with this thread.

    But I've sampled "cheesesteaks" in every city I've ever been in, and they all sucked cock. The meat always tastes like Steak-Ums.


    Nothing beats a good cheesesteak, and you ain't getting one unless you come to South-Eastern Pennsylvania or maybe parts of Jersey. Point blank period close teh thread=

  7. 6 months I'd def have a hotter 16 but I feel you.

    I should start rapping again, I have a magnificent voice. I sound like Ving Rhames. Fucking drug addiction made me fall off.


    Top reasons I never felt Em were his whiney voice and how he says random shit like "I'll take a shit on Paris Hilton and slap Hayden Panateery with a yo-yo" or some shit like that.


    I'm just a fan of Clipse type shit.

  8. Like that nigga said, I got tired of Art Crimes - it was 1999 and not a lot of graffiti sites.


    Now I went from a lil ass kid in 5th grade dreaming about wickets to a grown ass man taking over the world.


    I like how a lot of the cats here I been around for madd years.

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