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Everything posted by ihatemanutd

  1. ^Word^ If you didn't know sace or don't know about addiction shut the fuck up. RIP FROM THE UK
  2. "ehhhh. not really a big deal" you would say that coming from perth:beat:
  3. "actually jb is european" actually, James Boags is Tasmanian, I say this with the confidence of holding both an Australian passport and a European passport, and it happens to be the best lager in the world.:spin:
  4. panels always look so sick on those red leipzig trains.bump,bump,BUMP.that character on the window down is crispy :king:
  5. those three trains from leipzig is what I'm talking about! :love2: !
  6. ihatemanutd


    bemflex you crack me up so fucking much:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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