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Posts posted by mindvapors

  1. theres Eggs, sometimes it can be crowded and sometimes cops swing through, but more often than not its fine to skate.


    theres a few ledges and a ollie up 2 set thats good to manual near the aquarium right on atlantic ave i think.. theres a few ledges and shit up and down that whole little walking area they built in the middle of the street..


    i still skate copley at night every so often, and around the jackson mann has a couple decent spots..


    financial district is all but dead, they've removed or knobbed almost every decent ledge that was there.


    roxbury and dorchester seem to be where its at for stairs/gaps/rails and shit of the larger nature, its just all hiding on the back streets and shit.


    but more often than not i find myself driving to skateparks or we end up driving to east bumfuck to some random spot we've heard of through the grape vine.



    i'll try to rack my brain for a few others though..


    Ah ya, forgot about all those. The "walking area in the middle of the street" is the Greenway.


    I heard at a party the other day that there's a bowl in some Cambridge yard...or maybe i was just really fucked up.

  2. i used to get a line or 2 here and there.. lately i've just been taking a screw driver and scrapping a line on the tail. never got too crazy though.


    busted my knee yesterday, kept skating, woke up this morning and it took me like 30 minutes to stand up.. shit sucks.


    Hey, where have you been skating? I've been out of the scene for a couple years. Spots use to be the fountain (before they ticketed you), moca, heavens, navy yard...What about nowadays?

  3. South St Diner is where its at. Can always bet on seeing some interesting characters roll through there.


    But ya, generally Boston fucking sucks for late night food/anything really. If someone knows something i don't, please let me know.



    I'm flying out to boston for 2 job interviews with a company out there next week. I hate Boston, but i love money and the positions pay well. It's a serious win-lose situation, but i also dislike the city i'm currently living in and some of my good friends live in boston. I figure it's a decent sacrifice to put up with shitty traffic/construction, the T and all the bullshit that comes with that, generic Massachusetts retards, and bad weather for good money and good friends.


    Hopefully i yoink one of the positions, and then get the displeasure of having to move 2000miles across the country before the 25th.


    Good luck. If i run into you i'll buy you a drink.


    Which brings me to:


    How does one learn?


    Answer, simply:


    go outside.



    ...But people do this. With no guidance. Those are the people everyone's bitching about who don't know shit. Which led to my question (which i asked as the devil's advocate).


    So back at square one.



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